Oh no, they didn't...

Sep 1, 2007
Theory11 bans you for snapping that innocent pencil.

Othat than that, as stated, you can't go wrong with those sponge balls.
So small.
So red.
So spongy.

Who can resist..
Oct 18, 2007
When I started getting into magic I thought I'd have no problem fidgeting with a deck of cards during class. That's when I found out how wrong I was, and how much teachers hate cards. :confused: It's all good though, I've earned magician status and now it's not that much of a problem so long as I'm not performing or doing anything too flashy while they're teaching.

Sponge stuff is a great alternative though.
Sep 1, 2007
School is for education, not cards. It seems you need a lot of it since your grammar sucks.

Props to you for the reply.
Eddie's right, listen to him. I screwed up 2 full years of highschool because of magic.

There's a time and place for everything.
School is definitely not the place for magic.
Oct 11, 2007
Um. Ok. I would disagree. There is a time and a place for everything...and that is whenever you want. It may sound childlike, but its part of my philosophy in life. There are consequences only if you let them bother you. You want to do magic, they want to see magic...you all win. No one said to interupt class unless that just happens to happen. I definitly put magic over school. I want no kind of debate going here, but I don't feel I'm getting much out of it anyways (school I mean) ...you just need to pay enough attention to do the work and pass the tests. Do your magic.
Sep 1, 2007
Um. Ok. I would disagree. There is a time and a place for everything...and that is whenever you want. It may sound childlike, but its part of my philosophy in life. There are consequences only if you let them bother you. You want to do magic, they want to see magic...you all win. No one said to interupt class unless that just happens to happen. I definitly put magic over school. I want no kind of debate going here, but I don't feel I'm getting much out of it anyways (school I mean) ...you just need to pay enough attention to do the work and pass the tests. Do your magic.

That's just as equivalent to saying...
"Alright son, school isn't going to get you any where in life. So screw it and go magic all the way!"

Great advice, sir! ;]
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Oct 11, 2007
Ah, you have to go a bit deeper than that. I am not turning this into a deep discussion. All I can say is personally school is something we end up having to do, but It's not neccesary depending on who you are. There are sheep, there are shepards. There are followers, there are leaders. Pick who you want to be, and let the rest fall into their place. I will not be lead around, and excuse me for not taking much value in a piece of paper saying you took 12 years in a institution of forced learning, and that you retained maybe 20% of the information.

I learn more from my online studies, and research on my own time. Magic teaches me the psychology aspects and what I need to know about manipulating the sheep/cabbages as I call them...sheeple. Without turning this into a big discussion on my beliefs...do your research into anything.





If school helps you survive what is coming...then fine. Magic is an entertainment art...no matter how poor people got in the depression or anything, they still put their family first and saved a bit of money to get to a show or something entertaining when they could. People always need something to distract them from the problems taking hold of their life. Think about where you see the world later, and where you see yourself in it.
Um. Ok. I would disagree. There is a time and a place for everything...and that is whenever you want. It may sound childlike, but its part of my philosophy in life. There are consequences only if you let them bother you. You want to do magic, they want to see magic...you all win. No one said to interupt class unless that just happens to happen. I definitly put magic over school. I want no kind of debate going here, but I don't feel I'm getting much out of it anyways (school I mean) ...you just need to pay enough attention to do the work and pass the tests. Do your magic.

Oct 28, 2007
ok i have to agree with him a little, school is important but only to a certain degree right about 8 grade the rest you don't really need to know unless you a planning on being a scientist or mathmation but in real life you only need about half the stuff that you learn to survive and a couple extra stuff they don't really teach you like taxes and stuff, to me 1-8 grade and college are the only important fields college for a back up plan if you first plan doesn't work. so yeah do magic at school it builds confidence for the future its enjoyable and it shouldn't bother people at least until they adjust.
Sep 1, 2007
There are none so blind as those who won't open their eyes.

There is no arguing with the notion that education is a good thing. If nothing else, the better your qualifications, the better the jobs you will be eligible for. Sure, you're going to be a professional magician, great...but of course you need a backup plan in case that doesn't work! Would you prefer your backup plan to be serving fries at a fast food joint or actually earning some cash doing a job where you can at least have some self respect? Not to mention the material benefits of, for example, living in a nice house.

People fail to see the importance in subjects like science and mathematics; you're probably never going to solve and equation or label a circuit diagram in your life after school, that's true. However, study of science and math helps you to develop your own deductive reasoning skills - the skills you need to make decisions on your own, to become immune to propaganda and other nonsense.

This is just one example of course - all your school subjects have something important for you to take away if you would only let it happen. I am self employed as a magician, dance instructor and a maths tutor. I am living the life I want to live - and there's no way that I could have done it without getting the qualifications I've got. Still, one of my single biggest regrets to this day is still not working hard enough at university to get the results I could have.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing everybody - if more people listened to the hindsight of others who've been there and done that before you, the world would be a happier place. I'm sure you can squeeze some magic into breaks and lunchtimes - not to mention your free time out of school (guess what? There's not quite so much of that later on either!). But in lessons, focus on what's happening right here, right now. Get the most out of the experience while its available to you. I know this is wistful thinking, but you might even consider being grateful for the opportunity of an education in the first place! I know its tempting to think you've got it all figured out, that you don't really need this stuff, that magic might be a more important education, but this is just the human tendancy to justify doing what WE want WHEN we want to.

Oh, and in response to comments like "sheeple" and 911 conspiracies - grow the hell up.
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Oct 6, 2007
School is for education, not cards. It seems you need a lot of it since your grammar sucks.

Agreed totally, on both points.

'Re-tabed', you need to listen in school- especially english class. Seriously, none of what you say makes sense. The spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, everything. Listen in school instead of doing magic.

And Gordon, I cannot believe how wrong you are. Ask ANY successful magician out there. ANY. I dare you to, and I'd like to see your reply. Any of them will tell you that school is definately more important. There is no reasoning behind 'scrwing school' for magic.

I'd like to see how you turn out in the future with this kind of philosophy :D
Sep 3, 2007
Canada, Quebec
ok i have to agree with him a little, school is important but only to a certain degree right about 8 grade the rest you don't really need to know unless you a planning on being a scientist or mathmation but in real life you only need about half the stuff that you learn to survive and a couple extra stuff they don't really teach you like taxes and stuff, to me 1-8 grade and college are the only important fields college for a back up plan if you first plan doesn't work. so yeah do magic at school it builds confidence for the future its enjoyable and it shouldn't bother people at least until they adjust.

Hey ninja,

I'm guessing that you are still economically supported by your parents? Yet, I don't know you, so I might be wrong on that.

You might think that school (after grade 8) right now is useless; however, when you get to the point where you have to worry about your rent of your apartment, taking care of your parents in return, forming your own family...etc, you'll realize that school is indeed important.

Yes, I know, those are still super far away. But that time will certainly come.

You might think that magic can bring you all those. It might; but at the same time, it might not. To get great success in life out of your magic, I believe one needs to be exceptional. I'm not saying that you won't be exceptional in magic for the next couple of years/decades; nonetheless, I would say that the possibility is low.

On the other hand, your degree at school will probably bring a more stable life than your magic can bring to you. If there's something that can assure you of a better life, why not taking it?

Yet, this does not mean stopping your magic. I personally think that magic, as a hobby, is perfectly fine; but don't let it bother your academic progress.

Besides, it's not surprising to say that people are intellectually improving in general. What that means is, there will be more and more competitions (in terms of job hunting), even in magic. Education will really be your weapon.

How about picturing this:
Imagine two equally skilled magicians; one quits school after grade 8, the other one has a Bachelor. You are the owner of a restaurant. Looking at their curriculum vitae, which will you hire to perform in your restaurant?

Hope this makes sense to you and hope that you'll have another perception of "school". :)

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Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK

No offense buddy, it was just something I saw. But... Well self-explanatory really. I know not everyone can spell mathematician (I just had to use the spell-check there myself) but the fact that a spell-check was available to use is just plain laziness. School certainly doesn't make you a lazy person, quite the contrary it gets you up off your *ahem* buttocks and working to your full potential if you let it.

There's feeling that school can only help you so much and that's true for certain people, school and education just isn't for them. My cousin is doing really well for herself, got her GCSE's but didn't do A-Levels or University and she's doing fine - higher education just wasn't for her.

But I don't think you can outright say that school does basically nothing for you after 8th grade (Is that year 9 in the UK? I don't know). Schooling not only feeds you knowledge --admittedly by the mouthful-- for your betterment. But it also provides you with life skills you need, like research skills, presentational skills and most importantly it offers you social skills.

Still, can't stop people from thinking how they think. Everyone will have their own opinion and they'll argue it to the death. I just wanted to comment on that.


Mar 6, 2008
ok i have to agree with him a little, school is important but only to a certain degree right about 8 grade the rest you don't really need to know unless you a planning on being a scientist or mathmation but in real life you only need about half the stuff that you learn to survive and a couple extra stuff they don't really teach you like taxes and stuff, to me 1-8 grade and college are the only important fields college for a back up plan if you first plan doesn't work. so yeah do magic at school it builds confidence for the future its enjoyable and it shouldn't bother people at least until they adjust.

absolute nonse
school teaches you how to think objectively and rationally
developing minds need education to properly develop into intelligent human beings
not to get facts
that is a bonus
you have clearly missed the entire point of education
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