On the street


Apr 17, 2013
start a conversation with them first and slowly change the topic to how ur a magician and they'll probably ask u for a trick


theory11 moderator
If you're out on the streets and what to approach people, just do it; assuming it's an appropriate area. Don't think, just walk straight up to people and introduce yourself.

The thing that makes you so nervous is what's called approach anxiety, they say that you have 5-10 seconds once you spot someone to go up to them without feeling that crazy feeling of dread. So as soon as you spot people, go right ahead.

Another great thing you can do is set yourself up a little area so that people come to you to see magic, that way you know that the people you're going to end up performing to actually want to see some magic and aren't going to brush you off! :)

Hope that helps!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Dee's advice is what I used for the most part. If you give your mind the chance to talk you out of it, your mind will probably talk you out of it. Just go.

Another thing to keep in mind is C.I.Q. Compliment. Introduction. Question. Walk up to someone, say something like, "You're looking lovely tonight. My name is *Name*, I'm a performer. Can I show you something?" Not that exactly but something structured like that.

It's really important, as a performer, to develop social skills. The ability to small talk is invaluable. It makes people comfortable around you. If people are comfortable around you, they are more likely to think of you when they need a performer. I recommend learning to talk to strangers. It's not hard, just say hi and ask how they're day is.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Have an opening line and rehearse the hell out of it. Then make sure your material is also rehearsed the hell out of as well. (though when you start performing, you will most likely end up being awful to mediocre.. This is good, because as you continue to perform. Your nerves will start to settle and you will end up being confident in your material.)

Also, as my Mentor told me. Get a fire wallet. Yes it's a crutch, but at your stage.. You NEED a crutch/ice breaker just to get your foot in the door. After awhile you get to the point where you no longer need it.
Dec 29, 2011
could pressure also be used as a ice breaker?

Tricks that people would usually consider ice breakers are usually visual and attention grabbing, so Pressure is perfect. However, you'll probably get the best results by introducing yourself and gaining enough respect and rapport for them to happily hand over their phone for you to use. Rather than waltzing up to them launching straight into the magic, and demanding their personal items for your use.


theory11 moderator
you'll probably get the best results by introducing yourself and gaining enough respect and rapport for them to happily hand over their phone for you to use. Rather than waltzing up to them launching straight into the magic, and demanding their personal items for your use.

This is a great point - For all they know, you could be a really polite thief posing as a magician! Quick, visual items are great to open with though. Things like Prophet work great to open, quick, visual and astounding! It immediately establishes you as a great magician who know's what they're doing! :)

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Also... try to spot people that are relaxing and apparently without a hurry... sometimes we approach people in the street that are in a rush, or just want to be alone and they do not want to be disturbed, this is a great way to learn to introduce yourself, to be appropiate and becoming more friendly and better with people...
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