OPEN for voting: Live street magic batTLe

Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
I didnt saw those specials ;). But I have seen Daniel do it almost on every flourish video that he has.

BTW, it's rare to see you in this forums man, did you voted? Im curious.
Oh yeah,he used to do it constantly in his first videos..
Because theres hardly any interesting topics throughout this place.Just like two or three recent threads. I didnt vote yet,havent had time to watch the videos but I will in a bit.
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
Jake the snakes performance -- The trick felt very rushed when the effect was taking place.
when the magic was actually happening you were constantly speaking which,at times,takes away from the effect and doesnt allow for whats happening to register in their minds.
Because they're listening to you talk.Theres power in silence.Also no justification for the effect.No conotation for whats happening,you didnt even ask her to think of her card which was an important element.
My advice is to slow down and speak a bit less and not as fast.
NOW heres something that EVERYONE should take notice.When you said to one man " heres a deck of cards,a normal deck of cards.." he said "alright" and shook his hand in a whatever type of fashion. Now,I see that constantly in magic videos and performances when the performers mentions his "normal deck of cards". It pretty much means,they dont care,they dont suspect the cards,they just want to see the magic.Take note of that.

DaveyG's performance-- I liked that you introduced yourself. Hate your camera man. We should see your spectators and you more than the cards.
Its good that they thought the cards were "trick cards" because it means that the effect was so impossible looking that the only explanation was that you were using trick cards. And of course at the end,proves that they arent. Your performance was rather lackluster. It was just the "ok if i do this,this will happen" which is getting redundant and boring. I know you can do better.
Thats all I gotta say,the performances were pretty close but my vote went to DaveyG for some fine points that made the show more entertaining.
May 31, 2008
DaveyG's performance-- I liked that you introduced yourself. Hate your camera man. We should see your spectators and you more than the cards.
Its good that they thought the cards were "trick cards" because it means that the effect was so impossible looking that the only explanation was that you were using trick cards. And of course at the end,proves that they arent. Your performance was rather lackluster. It was just the "ok if i do this,this will happen" which is getting redundant and boring. I know you can do better.
Thats all I gotta say,the performances were pretty close but my vote went to DaveyG for some fine points that made the show more entertaining.

You summed it up perfectly! I agree that my patter was indeed quite lackluster. I am not proud of this performance at all, I can do much, much better.

My patter was mediocre. It was slightly better than the, "look I'll put it in the middle and it rises to the top" simply because I was more loose and interacted with my spectators. If I hadn't interacted with them it would've been a terrible performance. I usually do a longer routine in which I talk about Dai Vernon and Houdini, but they were kind of in a hurry. My sleights were fine except maybe my Shapeshifter. The camera wasn't at a very good angle for my LePaul Bluff Pass.

I was planning on doing an ACR, but not this particular ACR. I usually use a different, much better, one where I talk about how Dai Vernon fooled Houdini, and I end it with either card to mouth or Riot. (I would've done card to mouth) I noticed that the Farmer's Market was closing, and I had to act fast, and I was already having him sign the card, so I had to do an improvised (badly) ACR. Like I said I'm not proud of this routine or the coin through bottle. I would've loved to make the card jump to the top while it was in her hands, but I have no idea how to do that. Like I said, it wasn't my usual, practiced, scripted ACR, and I'm not proud of it.

I was not planning on doing an unpracticed routine. I would've changed things up before I started had I known I wouldn't have time for a full ACR. You see, I had already started my regular ACR when I noticed the Farmer's Market starting up. I had to just improvise. I understand that that was a bad thing to do, but I had no choice.

Unfortunately I'm using my good video, sleeveless 360 arm twist, for another battle.

I really wish I could've done a better job in this performance.
Mar 9, 2008
I can't remember who did the bluff pass but it made me cringe, the card shouldn't be held in your palm like that!!
May 31, 2008
I can't remember who did the bluff pass but it made me cringe, the card shouldn't be held in your palm like that!!

I am aware of that. Read this:

Jake, I wish you had told me that you made a thread!

Ok, so here's the deal with my video:

My patter was mediocre. It was slightly better than the, "look I'll put it in the middle and it rises to the top" simply because I was more loose and interacted with my spectators. If I hadn't interacted with them it would've been a terrible performance. I usually do a longer routine in which I talk about Dai Vernon and Houdini, but they were kind of in a hurry. My sleights were fine except maybe my Shapeshifter. The camera wasn't at a very good angle for my LePaul Bluff Pass, but even if it was it would still look like crap.

I was planning on doing an ACR, but not this particular ACR. I usually use a different, much better, one where I talk about how Dai Vernon fooled Houdini, and I end it with either card to mouth or Riot. (I would've done card to mouth) I noticed that the Farmer's Market was closing, and I had to act fast, and I was already having him sign the card, so I had to do an improvised (badly) ACR. Like I said I'm not proud of this routine or the coin through bottle. I would've loved to make the card jump to the top while it was in her hands, but I have no idea how to do that. Like I said, it wasn't my usual, practiced, scripted ACR, and I'm not proud of it. Not to mention my bluff pass was beyond awkward.

I was not planning on doing an unpracticed routine. I would've changed things up before I started had I known I wouldn't have time for a full ACR. You see, I had already started my regular ACR when I noticed the Farmer's Market starting up. I had to just improvise. I understand that that was a bad thing to do, but I had no choice.

Unfortunately I'm using my good video, sleeveles 360 arm twist, for another battle.

I really wish I could've done a better job in this performance.
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