Opinions on Gimmicks

Aug 25, 2012
I was just thinking about Gimmicks and the one's that I use, and thinking there are many gimmicks that, with practice the same effect can be done without the gimmick. Such as a cheek-to-cheek deck which is a triumph deck, there are multiple methods for a clean in the hands triumph. I just wanted to hear some opinions on gimmicks. I try very hard to perform effects without using gimmicks, which has lead me to picking up books and spending many hours reading them. Do you guys prefer clean magic or gimmicks? I know that what I am saying is weird, and may not make much sense but gimmicks or no gimmicks? Use or stay away?
Jan 16, 2012
Gimmicks or no gimmicks to me it's just 2 different trains of thought to meet the same goal.What it really gives you is options.Ask yourself does this flow better with my style or with the current effects I am doing?You can use a gimmick with 2 different styles and one will always flow a little better.I use gimmicked cards but only to achieve an effect that you cant with normal cards.I just like to have options.
Apr 6, 2013
Best without gimmicks

I think it is best to not use gimmicks, but I do use gimmicks that really doesn't have any thing to do with the trisck, like a note pad or a sleeve for a photograph. Because these things you can put away while performing without any suspicion. the kind of gimmicks I don't like, is the the gimmicked decks and the stuff you need through the whole effect, because if the spectator asks to look at it, you are screwed. I also think you can get just as good reactions with a trick that doesn't use a gimmick. You just have to practice.
Sep 1, 2007
Do you guys prefer clean magic or gimmicks? I know that what I am saying is weird, and may not make much sense but gimmicks or no gimmicks? Use or stay away?

I ask myself, "What allows me to accomplish this effect with the least amount of work?" I always take the path that allows me to focus less on my hands and more on the audience in front of me. Fewer steps, fewer things that can go wrong.

I think it is best to not use gimmicks,

Sell me on this one. Why shouldn't I use a nail writer?

the kind of gimmicks I don't like, is the the gimmicked decks and the stuff you need through the whole effect, because if the spectator asks to look at it, you are screwed.

I would argue that a good performer does not give in to any demand from a spectator that he does not feel like acquiescing to.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
"Pure", "clean", etc. These all imply a mindset that doing magic solely using sleight of hand is somehow 'better' than magic that uses gimmicks. Clearly, not true.

Any method that accomplishes the effect I want to create is a good method. I don't care if the trick will only work at a certain angle, as the sun sets, on the night 3 days before the new moon, in late fall, for a spectator who's less than 6 feet tall. If that spectator witnesses a bleeping miracle, it's worth it.

For spontaneous performances, I use non-gimmicked tricks because I don't want to carry a lot of stuff in my pockets. That's always annoyed me, to have bulging pockets. I have recently gotten on a ring magic kick. I use my regular ring that I already wore because I don't want to carry more than that. I will carry a loop sometimes because it doesn't take up any space.

For a planned performance though, look out. I will rig myself to the gills if I can keep everything organized and it will achieve the effects I want to create.

Gimmicks or not are just two paths to the same result.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Depends on the routine/effect. I go by what Jami Ian Swiss said about Mem decks, they are just a tool and in the hands of somebody that knows how to use proper sleight of hand. They can either make or break an effect.

It's often why you can see kids who can barely pull off sleight of hand magic, not being able to pull of a simple gimmick. While somebody is that extremely skilled, can actually make the gimmick not look like a gimmick at all.
Aug 17, 2010
Use the best method available to perform the strongest magic you can.

Why should your audience get anything less than the absolute best?

"Ladies and gentlemen, here's an effect I could do better. My ego is going to weaken the show for you because of some false dichotomy I have constructed."


Elite Member
Apr 7, 2012
I've never been much of a gimmick user myself. I have nothing against them, but I prefer not to rely on something other myself and the deck. Just a personal preference, I understand why someone would use gimmicks. It'd be ignorant to say they weren't a valuable resource.


Elite Member
Mar 11, 2013
I very rarely use gimmicks. If I use a gimmick, it has to be invisible to the spectator and can be examined. But other then that, i prefer to do just sleight of hand. I feel more rewarded when I learn a new sleight and get it down.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
The best use of gimmicks I have found thus far for myself is by "ringing" them in once a clean or fair item of use has been in play and in "their" hands for a few minutes. Then slip in the gimmicked card, coin, thread, item and blow them away.

This is why a deck switch is so deceptive. Think about it. You are performing sleight of hand magic with a straight deck of cards and then you casually put the deck back in the box and into your side jacket pocket. You perform a rubber band effect and perhaps a coin routine only to remember...."Oh...I have one more card effect I've been working on..." and go right back into the same pocket only pulling out the "color changing deck" or whatever you want to proceed with. Obviously it should be the same color / style of box they just saw minutes ago.

You can even make an imperfection on the box like a sharpie mark on the box, or a torn tab, or a sticker or something that "screams" to the audience...oh that was the same deck because I remember the so-and-so on it.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Unless you can levitate a ring with only sleight of hand... there will be always gimmicks that accomplish things that are imposible to do with sleight of hand...

Maybe you are doing too much card magic... take a look around...
Apr 22, 2009
I'm open to gimmicks that are necessary. My main beef with some gimmicks is their size in my pocket. It is just annoying to carry some things around. But small gimmicks that create an amazing effect? If it's good, I'll do it!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Unless you can levitate a ring with only sleight of hand... there will be always gimmicks that accomplish things that are imposible to do with sleight of hand...

Maybe you are doing too much card magic... take a look around...

You can do a lot of sleight of hand without gimmicks. Coins, rings, cards, random objects ... With no gimmicks at all I am pretty sure I could pull a 30 minute set out of thin air at a restaurant.
Dec 29, 2011
You can do a lot of sleight of hand without gimmicks. Coins, rings, cards, random objects ... With no gimmicks at all I am pretty sure I could pull a 30 minute set out of thin air at a restaurant.

I don't think the point was to say sleight can only take you as far as cards, it was more about how you can do a lot more if you use a lot more than pure sleight of hand.

I think its all about the time you want to spend, money you want to spend, if you're going to perform, where, what you want it to come across as, and what you just like. Take a routine based solely on sleight, I'm sure you can produce the exact effect, but cleaner looking with the use of gimmicks, apply them both to where your likely to perform the routine, which do you think is better?


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
If I use a gimmick, it has to be invisible to the spectator and can be examined.

How can they examine it if they can't see it?

I feel more rewarded when I learn a new sleight and get it down.

For an amateur, magic is about them. For a professional, the magic is about the audience.

Look at the experience levels of those people who are posting that they use a gimmick when it is necessary.... and there is your answer.
Aug 17, 2010
For an amateur, magic is about them. For a professional, the magic is about the audience.

Well said.

By the way, it just occurs to me that the definitions here may be overlapping - the definitions I go by, from (I think) a David Roth DVD are that a prop is seen and fully comprehended by the audience (a normal playing card, a normal coin), a gaff is seen by the audience, but its full nature is not comprehended by the audience (like a double-backed card or a coin shell), and a gimmick is not seen by the audience at all (a holdout or a pull - a Raven for instance).

A trifling difference, but a distinction nonetheless. Does this change anyone's opinion? Any difference on gaffs vs. gimmicks?

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
You can do a lot of sleight of hand without gimmicks. Coins, rings, cards, random objects ... With no gimmicks at all I am pretty sure I could pull a 30 minute set out of thin air at a restaurant.

That´s not the point...

The point was, that there are certain things you WILL NEVER do without a gimmick... as my example says, a levitating ring... of course you can do a set of 30 minutes with borrowed stuff... but for example when I am about to finish my show in my restaurant... I do a Airborne trick (levitating glass)... and that could never be done by sleight of hand...
Apr 20, 2013
A trifling difference, but a distinction nonetheless. Does this change anyone's opinion? Any difference on gaffs vs. gimmicks?
in my opinion, gaffs are gimmicks + sleights.
people say those who use gaffs are "noobs"
My reply is simple : "Well sir, look at DG and WH videos on Ultragaffs, you think those sleights are easy?"

Gimmicks is not a taboo on magic, it is instead one of the giant pillars holding the magic world.
I always carry gimmicks everywhere, well at least the one that fits my jacket and pocket.
For instance, Gecko, WOW, Tarantula, and Ultragaff is always in my pocket whenever I go.

Dec 13, 2007
North Hollywood
To me its ALL a bout the Spectator. What the spectator sees and feels. If a gimmick will make my performance cleaner or will allow me concentrate on performance more, then I will Prefer the gimmick.
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