Paper Crane Productions - Election

Sep 1, 2007
Will you need a certain special "stuff"

You'll know what I mean. I'm not trying to method grub, I just want to know if what I'm buying is original.
Sep 1, 2007
I bought it, and its INCREDIBLE. Not a new concept at all, yes it uses a gimmick, if you can call it that. If you have it it will take you 10 seconds to set-up, if you don't have the thing needed, a trip to the drug store and your good to go.


theory11 artist
This just replaced irreversible in my repertoire.
Although this has similarities to Irreversible, the principals are alike but methods are very different. IMO this is a beautiful effect with a cunning and clever method and can achieve everything that Irreversible does without the need of a gaffed deck.
Hats of PCP and ER
Sep 3, 2007
This just replaced irreversible in my repertoire.
Although this has similarities to Irreversible, the principals are alike but methods are very different. IMO this is a beautiful effect with a cunning and clever method and can achieve everything that Irreversible does without the need of a gaffed deck.
Hats of PCP and ER

It's a strong card trick. I agree. It's shaky when you leave everything in their hands and there's a possibility of them doing something wrong (what I thought when I watched it). But then given the basic handling you could work out these little quirks. It's interesting to see that one of your creations has a handling that you would replace your own with. Not only interesting but it shows how humble you are. Good man Dan.
Feb 12, 2008
This just replaced irreversible in my repertoire.
Although this has similarities to Irreversible, the principals are alike but methods are very different. IMO this is a beautiful effect with a cunning and clever method and can achieve everything that Irreversible does without the need of a gaffed deck.
Hats of PCP and ER

There is now a new hole in my head, because you just blew my MIND.


Wow i can't believe this is good enough for D+M to REPLACE HIS OWN CREATION with. i might have to get this....
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