Paranormal Inspiration

Sep 1, 2007
After having a little think I reckon a good thing to do would be to make your own VooDoo Doll and utilise it in a routine... not making it rise up etc as ive never thought that was that spooky, but making it effect your specs

With some thought you could make it look like whatever you do to the doll happens to them (first you obviously have to take something personal to them and put it on the doll)

I have a few ideas of how to accomplish some of the things, but im sure there is a lot that's possible

You could put the dolls hand over a naked flame and have the spec feel the burn, tie it's arms and have there arms lock, cover it's eyes and have there eyes lock, cover the dolls face and have there pulse disappear, put a needle in it and have blood appear on them in that area etc etc
Now you'd need to pick the right people to perform this on as it could be very scary to some, but think of how powerful this could be... not on kids though lol

Ok maybe making them seemingly bleed is going too far but you get the picture

Or for some really basic voodoo effect, I have one where you borrow there ring, place it in your hand, put a flame under and they feel the heat
Sep 1, 2007
Yeah Derren Brown is amazing

Ive seen that clip before but cheers for posting it as it was fun to see again :D
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
I remember watching that one youtube for the first time. That was the clip that pretty much introduced me to Derren Brown. I would love to be able to do something like that on Halloween, but I'm not quite sure where to start as far as an effect like that goes.

I mean, Psychology interests me quite a bit, but I don't think that I know enough about it to do something of that magnitude.


Shane K.
Sep 1, 2007
Maybe not the same thing as Derren Brown... but seemingly affecting the specs via voodoo doll would be quite simple
Sep 1, 2007
I have a variety of stuff I'm dying to try out.

For example, the Color Changing Knives takes a dark turn when the black knife is beaten and scratched up and the blade is rusted and blood-stained.

I also picked up this bad-ass claw ring at the RenFest and am already working on a routine involving sleights from Garrett Thomas' Ring Thing about how the ring is a protective charm against an old family curse...
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
I have a variety of stuff I'm dying to try out.

For example, the Color Changing Knives takes a dark turn when the black knife is beaten and scratched up and the blade is rusted and blood-stained.

I also picked up this bad-ass claw ring at the RenFest and am already working on a routine involving sleights from Garrett Thomas' Ring Thing about how the ring is a protective charm against an old family curse...

That knife routine sounds like it would "kill" on Halloween. Trust me, I try to stay far away from puns.

Gah...I feel corny now.

Shane K.
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