Pass feedback

i thought it was good.
work on the first pass a lil. its knacky, and i know how hard it is.
the real test is to use it on some participants.
go out and try it in the real world. no one with catch you
its a great feeling to know you get away with it
Sep 1, 2007
I mean I've been getting away with it for a while with misdirection but I'm hoping to get it smooth enough that even if the misdirection fails they won't totally know what happened, if anything at all.
May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
I mean I've been getting away with it for a while with misdirection but I'm hoping to get it smooth enough that even if the misdirection fails they won't totally know what happened, if anything at all.

I don't think a layperson spectator would spot anything there at all. Heck, I hardly spotted anything, though I think there was just one tiny moment in the second one where you could see half the deck.
Apr 21, 2009
I would consider doing a slight tilt on the second one to cover the action. I've been doing the pass with a face up card for a while using the tilt and haven't had a problem with it. Like anything with whatever pass, it's a knack...
Feb 28, 2008
I don't see any problems with your pass at all. It's great, even without misdirection. A laymen would never pick up on what you're doing. I've done some pretty bad passes while people were looking right at my hands and no one questioned a thing... I'm not saying you shouldn't practice more, because it does make it better, but I think it's great and would never get detected.
Apr 20, 2009
Myrtle Beach
personaly you do a great pass's the first was my fav very natural lokking dribble pass love it keep practicing never stop until your hands develop arthritis then keep on


Jun 26, 2008
San Francisco, California
In my opinion, all of your passes that you did in that video are fine for performing. However, as William stated, you can always get better. I would suggest working on executing the "cover action" just a little bit sooner - not after the stock is being replaced, but AS the stock is being replaced.
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