
Sep 16, 2007
Kent, WA state
I use the classic pass or a riffle pass. Since i naturally riffle the cards throughout effects to show 'non-breaks' and all that kind of stuff. I've practice both for hoouuurrs on end over the year and am able to do it with people burning my hands. Because you can't get EVERYONE to not look at the cards. Classic pass is just about fluidity- not jerking- speed, and silence. As soon as they put the card in and i square the deck up, it's done and it's on top.

Works quite well with the bent-card finisher for ACR. Put it in the middle, do a pass with your thumb holding the card down so it doesn't pop the bend and bam. No ditching or nothing, 1 card bent in the deck.
Works quite well with the bent-card finisher for ACR. Put it in the middle, do a pass with your thumb holding the card down so it doesn't pop the bend and bam. No ditching or nothing, 1 card bent in the deck.

That's what I love about magic, you can do something for years the way you were tought then one day by chance you read or hear something and it changes a trick forever.

50% of people will think I'm stupid for never thinking of this, the other 50% of people will be going "why the hell didn't I think of that" (like me)

Thanks ZeroPhun31
Sep 16, 2007
Kent, WA state
hah, thanks :p I used to do ACR all the time with the bent card the conventional way EVERYONE is taught. And then one day i was practicing and trying out a pass to see if i could cover it, and i did, performed it that night at a bar and it went over amazing. And the thing with doing it with a pass, is once you do the pass you can quickly(but smoothly) move your top hand in a biddle grip like you nomrally wood square up the pack before making it 'pop' to the top. Do this and it will flush any idea that the cards were ever handled by 2 hands.

Another fun thing with a pass- use for gambling routines or whathaveyou that you can put the cut card on the bottom fo the deck, doing a classing pass and retaining the bottom card. Good for proving naysayers wrong that the deck was changed. Not tough to do either. If you have the deck deep in your hand pre-pass, when you do 'the move' slide the bottom packet up ever so slightly before doing it and your palm will grip the bottom card and you can do a silent pass and the bottom card stays there. pretty useful!
Again another good idea. Although when I want to do a Pass and draw attention to the fact that the bottom card remains undisturbed is a top card cover pass with the deck face up. You can make the pass in the action of having them note the bottom card remains unchanged.
Sep 16, 2007
Kent, WA state
What i meant before was not to specifically draw attention to it, but if you notice a specific spec burning your hands and he possibly might be catching something from that side, then you do it. A top card cover-pass is a good pass to use to setup a selected card for a DL as the second card from the top. That's really all i use it for, and even then i just steal a card onto the selected card before i get hte break to do the pass.
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