People actually liked this guy??


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
So I met up with an older magician today at the old magic store. I had never met this guy, but he kept annoying me so I started talking to him. His name was Micheal Vincent;he seemed fairly clueless about magic. He was telling me about this guy he idolized and even showed me some clips of him on his phone. He was an old white haired man. The DUDE WAS SO SLOPPY! Embarrassing to watch. Mr. Vincent Kept referring to him as “The professor”. His real name was something like Day Vurnin, or something. I just find it embarrassing for what used to pass as quality magic. I would have easily been seen as the greatest magician if I was alive and had to compete with those hacks. Sadly I was born in the era of the greatest sleight of hand experts like Criss Angel and Julius Dein. I am now large sad. Anyone else have a run in with one of these old farts of a magician?

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
So I met up with an older magician today at the old magic store. I had never met this guy, but he kept annoying me so I started talking to him. His name was Micheal Vincent;he seemed fairly clueless about magic. He was telling me about this guy he idolized and even showed me some clips of him on his phone. He was an old white haired man. The DUDE WAS SO SLOPPY! Embarrassing to watch. Mr. Vincent Kept referring to him as “The professor”. His real name was something like Day Vurnin, or something. I just find it embarrassing for what used to pass as quality magic. I would have easily been seen as the greatest magician if I was alive and had to compete with those hacks. Sadly I was born in the era of the greatest sleight of hand experts like Criss Angel and Julius Dein. I am now large sad. Anyone else have a run in with one of these old farts of a magician?

this is a joke right?
Nov 3, 2018
His real name was something like Day Vurnin, or something.
Just to do a little bit of know-it-all nit-picking, his real name was something like David Frederick Wingfield Verner.

Other than that, completely agree with everything you say. I mean, have you seen his cups and balls routine? So obvious what he does there, and for those dimwits who didn't get it the first time, he even explains it! Typical amateur mistake; it's the first thing you learn: Never teach a layman how a trick is done -- even if it's executed as badly as that.

Anyone else have a run in with one of these old farts of a magician?
Totally. I recently went to watch a show of a guy billed as one of the greatest sleight-of-hand practicioners of our time (name of Lenny Grien or something), but it was so embarrassing to watch -- the guy kept dropping his cards all over the place, misspoke, lost track of what the spectator was doing ...
Halfway through the show, I couldn't stand it any longer and left. On my way out I actually heard two younger guys talk about how great his, what did they call it, laser deal or something, was, and how fantastic his sleights looked -- obviously two young men deeply in need of some professional guidance by a real expert like Daniel Madison!
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Dec 22, 2019
Just to do a little bit of know-it-all nit-picking, his real name was something like David Frederick Wingfield Verner.
He than changed his name in Vernon because people often confused between his real surname and the surname of a famous ice skater.
obviously two young men deeply in need of some professional guidance by a real expert like Daniel Madison!
Yeah, I love Daniel Madison, his style is so vibrant!
Just look at his bottom deal:p
Nov 3, 2018
He than changed his name in Vernon because people often confused between his real surname and the surname of a famous ice skater.
*Tip imaginary hat*

Yeah, I love Daniel Madison, his style is so vibrant!
Just look at his bottom deal:p
Yeah, loads better than what you usually see these days ... that guy Merlin (Mirlo? Marlo?) should have taken a page out of his book ...
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