I need advice.
My problem is that I can't close the trick or presentation.
Example: I have learnt one or two new card tricks, and I want to test it to my friends. Then I show them the tricks, they are amazed, but they are always asking for more. They say one more, one more... then I show something very quick, but they still want more and that happens every time. So I don't want to show them anymore.
Long time ago someone gave me this line - "I am not trained monkey, but if you will give me a banana I will show you something" or something like that, but it doesn't work, they still ask for something, I have tried to say that my magic powder are empty, but they still ask.
Please tell me how to close the trick. How I can show just one trick? Maybe some lines or things that you use in this situation.
My problem is that I can't close the trick or presentation.
Example: I have learnt one or two new card tricks, and I want to test it to my friends. Then I show them the tricks, they are amazed, but they are always asking for more. They say one more, one more... then I show something very quick, but they still want more and that happens every time. So I don't want to show them anymore.
Long time ago someone gave me this line - "I am not trained monkey, but if you will give me a banana I will show you something" or something like that, but it doesn't work, they still ask for something, I have tried to say that my magic powder are empty, but they still ask.
Please tell me how to close the trick. How I can show just one trick? Maybe some lines or things that you use in this situation.