Phone death.


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2019
I was mid spin on the holiday wheel. And then my phone died. Is that spin lost to me? Is it forfeit? Or can I somehow prove I never finished and be able to respin or have a few points added. (It looked as if it was going to stop on one of these 3, instant card collection, 50 points, vip tickets. I’m going to assume 50, I’m just mentioning it was slowing towards that clump of prizes)


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2019
Never mind... sorry to keep bugging everyone. 50 points got added to my account. The spin finished even though it was no longer rendered

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
Glad it was resolved! I'm pretty sure with most digital wheel spins, the prize is randomly chosen as soon as you hit the button. The actual "spinning" is just for fun.
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Elite Member
Jul 19, 2011
Well if you didn't spin you always have the link sent by email, but from what you say your spin went through!


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2019
I got lucky this year and won an Uncut Monarch Sheet!
I was also wondering how your prize is determined. A long time ago, when I had T-Mobile, I had the app called "T-Mobile Tuesdays". Basically, every Tuesday a lot of prizes were offered for free like a $1 gift card to Dunkin Donuts. But, sometimes they had "rare prizes" like an all expense paid trip to an NBA game of your choice with Court side seats, or Tickets with accommodations and flight paid to go to game one of The World Series. So I looked at the terms of conditions, and tried to find something that had to do with "chance of winning". I stumbled across a tiny message in very small font at the bottom of the page that said something along the lines of this, "All prizes are random, "Rare" prizes are won on a specific time". So, for example, they set up a win to be spun at 6:19 P.M., if someone spins it at 6:18 P.M., they don't win anything, if they spin on 6:19 P.M. they win the prize. So they made a code for the wheel for when to distribute the prizes. I don't know if that's how Theory11 does it.
I wonder if maybe @Casey Rudd or @Lyle Borders or @j.bayme can let us know?????
This may have sounded very confusing since I didn't know how to word this in an understanding manner.
Technically, time has everything to do with winning a prize. There is no such thing as a random number generator in a computer. To get around that, programmers use the base time to create a seed to extend our x amount of frames in a predetermined random sequence. Thus, having a different time of spin, means you are accessing different frames and having different times can give different results. However, with an evenly spaced sequence, the time will be negligible and you will have an equal chance each second to hit your desired prize. The time making a difference is difference in the second, not hours or minutes.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Technically, time has everything to do with winning a prize.

That isn't really what he asked.

Random number generators use either an algorithm to create what is technically not statistically random, but is functionally random (ie there technically is a pattern that could be observed if you had all of the results to study and a lot of time and computing power), OR they use an outside, unpredictable source to create randomness (a la this crazy example - Both are affected by time, of course.

"All prizes are random, "Rare" prizes are won on a specific time". So, for example, they set up a win to be spun at 6:19 P.M., if someone spins it at 6:18 P.M., they don't win anything, if they spin on 6:19 P.M. they win the prize.

We do not set up a prize to be won at any specific time. We do not know what prize will be won at any given time (nor does anyone else) until you click. While yes, waiting a fraction of a second may mean a different prize for you, we aren't doing what @I am a Magician is asking.

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