Phuges Pass?

Jan 26, 2008
You can use the pinky, especially if it feels comfortable to you. What must be kept in mind though is that the pinky could attract a lot of attention, but you say it looks the same, so I see no need to change.

I personaly cant notice any difference, because the way he teaches it the pinky is in the same place but its not touching the card. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Because as i said i personaly think it looks the same but i might be wrong.
Apr 28, 2008
I personaly cant notice any difference, because the way he teaches it the pinky is in the same place but its not touching the card. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Because as i said i personaly think it looks the same but i might be wrong.

I can't really see much difference, I've tried doing it both with and without the pinky and it looks the same, however it certainly does feel easier to use the pinky to help pull the card down. In andthensome i'm fairly sure Dan or Dave (can't remember which one) use the pinky when they perform Pughe's pass in Hedberg all over. I think they actually use the pinky to do most of the work and the second and third fingers are used to guide the card into the right position. I've been trying it like this and it certainly does feel more natural.
Jan 26, 2008
I can't really see much difference, I've tried doing it both with and without the pinky and it looks the same, however it certainly does feel easier to use the pinky to help pull the card down. In andthensome i'm fairly sure Dan or Dave (can't remember which one) use the pinky when they perform Pughe's pass in Hedberg all over. I think they actually use the pinky to do most of the work and the second and third fingers are used to guide the card into the right position. I've been trying it like this and it certainly does feel more natural.

Yeah i agree, now when you mentioned it i did try to use just the pinky for almost all of the work and even that feelt more natural.

I cant understand why you should do it like he teaches it, it just seems allot harder and more unaturall.

However Dorian is a great sleight of hand magician so maybe there is a reason to do it like he does it, however i cant think of any,
Jan 26, 2008
What kind of hand cover do you do use for the change? I dont think the "snapp" thar he does on the Avenue dvd looks as magical as something like Daniel Garcia does where you wave your hand over the card.
Apr 28, 2008
What kind of hand cover do you do use for the change? I dont think the "snapp" thar he does on the Avenue dvd looks as magical as something like Daniel Garcia does where you wave your hand over the card.

You could do the wave if you want. However, there's a reason for snapping as opposed to waving. Unlike the Ego change Pughe's pass can be quite noisy, the snap covers this. If you wave then the spectators will clearly hear the card being pulled off and realise you've done a move. Even if the snapping motion makes no noise the sound of the card being pulled off will be attributed to the snap.
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