Pick your consultant!


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Huh, 2 more days left until Saturday...
We are halfway there. Why not sit back, relax, and PLAY A GAME!
Welcome back to a special Wednesday Game night. As you may know my post on Saturday ended on a slight cliffhanger. And now it’s time to conclude...

As your secretary I am delighted to inform you you received this Email!!

Hello, I on behalf of the entirety of Hulu entertainment, am incredibly excited to be The first to congratulate you on our partnership. I would like to take the time to explain to you the program you will be participating in! The show is entitled TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE. The premise is fairly simple. Imagine myth busters meets Carbonaro Effect. Each episode is comprised of 30 minutes. Each episode will have 3 ten minute parts with a theme involving all 3.
2 of them will real actual demonstrations of really weird facts, science experiments, inventions, demonstration of skill, or anything else (For example this video a a noodle climbing up stream,or a water heater taking off after a certain temperature or similar things you might see on a "believe it or not" show like brain games, or Myth busters).
While 1 of the ten minute segments will be presented the same. With in depth scientific
explanation and demonstration. HOWEVER it is a complete LIE. Such as "a 100 mph baseball can't pop a balloon", or "Humans can skip on water like stones if they wear flat enough shoes" "shoe laces that tie themselves", or something else you might see on the Carbarno Effect, but it is your job as the magician to use your deception and sleight of hand to make the lie look real and as real as the 2 truths. At the end of the show the audience is given a recap and then must decide which 3 Segments was the lie, and was made up. Hence the name.
We will start with a 12 episode season. We have allowed you 3 magic consultants of your pick to help you with your journey. However be realistic you are on a streaming service budget(No Blaine and no Dynomo) and the show's tone is relatively comedic. Now that we have settled everything we would like to hear back as soon as possible as we will attempt filming in MAY. Once again welcome to the hulu family!!

There we have it! Congrats! I am ready to send a response when you are ready. Just tell me who you want and it'll be done likity split!

As always be creative, and HAVE FUN!!
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Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I'm having a hard time narrowing it down!

Really I'd want a team of writers:
Chris Phillpott
Andy Nyman
Andy of the Jerx would write

For new magic I'd go for:
Calen Morelli
Franz Harary
Ryan Stock

If I had to choose just 3 though, which are the rules...I'd choose these guys. They are just about the most well rounded, creative and knowledgable crew of 3 I could come up with.
Jim Steinmeyer
Brent Braun
Dan Harlan

In reality, I never want to be famous, my dream is to work behind the scenes for someone who is actually talented.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
In reality, I never want to be famous, my dream is to work behind the scenes for someone who is actually talented.
Ah I informed them and they responded with
Completely understandable. We’d love to have YOU as a consultant. Do you have any particular ideas for the show as of now? We’d love to hear some of your ideas!
Oct 2, 2018
Sorry...I live in a brown shoebox in the middle of the road covered by a piece of twig. What is the Carbonara effect? Does that involve bacon in a creamy white sauce?
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Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Sorry...I live in a brown shoebox in the middle of the road covered by a piece of twig. What is the Carbonara effect? Does that involve bacon in a creamy white sauce?
MMHHH... sounds good... with some delicious garlic bread on the side. With a nice crisp side sala-
uhhhh... sorry got off topic there. My bad I haven't eaten today.

Anyway, The Carbonaro effect Was a Television show on an American television station known TruTV. It was a hidden camera TV show starring Michael Carbonaro. In which he uses magic to make products, and things that aren’t real, look real. Such as shoe laces that tie themselves.

I keep using past tense because although it was a hit with laymen during its start it appears that it may not continue being made as TruTV begins to air its new magic show “BIG TRICK ENERGY” starring YouTube sensation Chris Ramsay, but we shall see what the future holds
Oct 16, 2021
For true creativity in the field of magics, surely someone like Jay Sankey or Paul Gordon would be at the very top of the list? Sankey in particular is known for his dedication to only releasing the finest of treasures to his brothers.
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