I actually asked about this potential deck of cards about a year or so ago.
And if I could choose/decide how the "face cards" would go, this is how I would have them done, and who I would feature:
A of Spades - The "Dead Man's Chest"
K of Spades - Capt. Davy Jones
Q of Spades - Tia Dalma
J of Spades - HALF Lord Cutler Beckett ... HALF James Norrington
A of Diamonds - Poseidon's Trident
K of Diamonds - Capt. Barbossa
Q of Diamonds - Carina Smyth
J of Diamonds - Capt. Salazar
A of Clubs - The "Fountain of Youth"
K of Clubs - Capt. Blackbeard
Q of Clubs - Angelica
J of Clubs - Joshamee Gibbs
A of Hearts - A piece of "Aztec Gold"
K of Hearts - Capt. Jack Sparrow
Q of Hearts - Elizabeth Swan
J of Hearts - Will Turner
Joker - Pintel ... OR ... Jack the Monkey
Joker - Ragetti ... OR ... Cullen's Parrot