playing cards and magicians


Elite Member
Dec 3, 2012
Hi guys I was wondering could you answer these 3 questions:
1. What is your favorite deck, why?
2. Who is your favorite magician / cardist?
3.Where do you usually buy DVDs, which ones?
Sep 16, 2012
1. Madison Rounders because they are simple in design but smooth as hell. And the Ghost deck, it's a classic deck.
2. Daniel Madison is my favorite and Jason England.
3. I usually buy DVD and books from Dan and Dave, Vanishing Inc, Daniel Madison site and so on.
Aug 17, 2010
1. Blue Bicycles. Decent enough, cheap and plentiful, easy to give 'em away, sign them, destroy them, use dupes, etc.

2. Pop Haydn. Ultra-commercial solid routines, great thinker, showman of unequalled proportion.

3. Browser's Den of Magic, 3220 Dufferin St., Toronto. Far more books than DVDs. Last thing I bought was Rune's World book and Houdini shackle escape.
May 6, 2013
1. Bees because their simple and classic. Also they handle really well and are good for gambling sleights.

2. Derren Brown

3. I buy from theory11 mostly, also dan and dave and a few other places now and then.
Mar 22, 2013
Munich / Germany
1. Verve Deck by HOPC, because they are really elegant and I love the faces. But sadly they are very expensive, especially if you do TNR, Signature routines, ... so I really like Bicycle and Phoenix, too.

2. Wayne Houchin and Derren Brown;
All of Wayne's effects are just awesome. He's extremely creative and I love his style.
Derren Brown is amazing, too. I think I don't have to say why ;)

3. Mostly Theory11 and TheBlueCrown (I don't like Ellusionist)
Apr 20, 2013
1. For everyday uses, I usually get the standard Bicycles. Cheap and easy, also lots of Gaff are available for them.
But for Custom Decks, Artifice Decks and Black Tigers are still my fav.

2. Daniel Garcia, Wayne Houchin, Aaron Fisher, and Gazzoo. Should I really mention why? DG is a creative mastermind and Blaine's magic consultant. Wayne is extremely great creator. Both DG and WH's work on Ultragaff is immensely astonishing. Aaron Fisher is one of the best Card Magician, hell he IS the best card magician I've ever seen. Gazzoo is just as entertaining and as great as his teacher is!

3. Theory 11, Ellusionist, Vanishing Inc.
3 of the are my main resources of the magic world

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
1. I buy what ever deck is cheapest. Usually Studs and Bicycle

2. David Copperfield is the greatest magician who ever lived.

3. I try not to buy magic, about once a year I'll get something big that I think that I'll use. My last purchase was the Art of Astonishment vol 2
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