Problem with Haunted Pack and Box Monster

Sep 1, 2007
So I guess it's alright if some laymen know, just as long as it's not everyone.

Wow, what respect some people have...

Sep 1, 2007
Not to simply use, but if you say "Hey, to accomplish BLANK, you use a double lift", then yes it is.

Magic used to be a sacred art and now it just seems like we got a bunch of immature children wanting too show off. Not pointing at anyone particular, just as a magic as awhole.

I'm finished here with this thread as I can see everyone will come up with any excuse for why it's ok to reveal something.

Dec 22, 2007
Long Island, New York
Not to simply use, but if you say "Hey, to accomplish BLANK, you use a double lift", then yes it is.

Magic used to be a sacred art and now it just seems like we got a bunch of immature children wanting too show off. Not pointing at anyone particular, just as a magic as awhole.

I'm finished here with this thread as I can see everyone will come up with any excuse for why it's ok to reveal something.


Fair enough but IMO in the unlikely scenario a laymen does come on here using terms like Second Deal, Bottom Deal, Double Lift, Center Deal etc. in context with a deck of cards are a lot easier to figure out than loops with box monster and the haunted deck.
Of course most magicians will know exactly what loop is and what it accomplishes. What I don't care for is letting laymen in on the secret, which laymen are allowed to freely read through this forum. That's why it shouldn't be exposed. Not for people like myself, but for the people that I perform for.

It seriously boggles my mind how many of you do not care if a secret is revealed. This is how alot of us get paid.

As much as I don't want to believe it, magic really seems to be going down the drain with this new generation...


1st of all, when you say the new generation destroying magic. How old are you?

2nd of all, how many people that you perform magic to actually know what loops are?

3rd of all, if your spectator know what loops are then may must be a magician or a nerd who have no life then sitting on a computer and research about how to do a magic trick on youtube. (in that case I recommend you not to perform a trick to that person.)
To you dear Dave


I'm against magic exposure too, your not the only one. But there is one point you have to know where you are, who your talking to. I don't just going to some random people and say I have done that trick w/ LOOP. NO, I don't do that. The reason I said it in here is because I know you have the knowledge to know what that is. We are all magicians of today and tomorrow after all. We're have thought that not to exposed magic trick in public. This art will be protected from normal everyday people.

When you say the new generation drain magic away, that hurt my feeling. Not all of us are the bad guys, don't blame all of us. No matter where you go, there are difference type of people, we ain't so difference are we?

One more thing, any type of art is like a pile of liquid. It will change it shape overtime. But no matter what shape it is, it's still a pile of liquid. (if you know what I mean)

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado

As always, we should be careful whenever posting about gimmicks -- or anything related directly to the method of an effect. As such, any references to the gimmick regarding Box Monster have been removed. In the case of the Haunted Pack, given that it is an effect that is part of the Guerilla Guide to Loops DVD and Loops is explicitly discussed on its product page, references to Loops do not necessarily further exposure of the effect.

Nevertheless, any discussion about gimmicks and regarding assistance in the execution of an effect must be done with great caution. Therefore, if any questions, comments, or concerns pop-up, feel free to drop me or another moderator with a PM -- or hit the Report-A-Post button. Let's get back on topic -- and any further general discussion about exposure can occur via PM's or in another thread.

Thanks guys,
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