product tester needed

Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under

The point I was making is that there is no point to the effect. Magic in my eyes is to achieve something that is impossible but at the same time to an extent useful. Moving a bottle of Powerade is hardly a useful effect especially when your hards are mere millimetres from the object you are trying to move.

If you were to take the same effect and give it a use then it would increase the validity of the effect, say for example the bottle was out of reach and you gestured and it came to you then the effect would have a meaning. Admittedly the mean is that you are too lazy to get up and get the bottle however it is a meaning none the less.
Oct 24, 2008

The point I was making is that there is no point to the effect. Magic in my eyes is to achieve something that is impossible but at the same time to an extent useful. Moving a bottle of Powerade is hardly a useful effect especially when your hards are mere millimetres from the object you are trying to move.

If you were to take the same effect and give it a use then it would increase the validity of the effect, say for example the bottle was out of reach and you gestured and it came to you then the effect would have a meaning. Admittedly the mean is that you are too lazy to get up and get the bottle however it is a meaning none the less.

Yeah and the other 'meaning' is that you are showing people you can make things move.
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
Why should the audience care you are moving a bottle with your hands practically touching the bottle.

And before you mention Geller or Hydrick they were demonstrating that psychic phenomena exists.
Why should the audience care you are moving a bottle with your hands practically touching the bottle.

And before you mention Geller or Hydrick they were demonstrating that psychic phenomena exists.
You're being belligerent.

I checked out the method and would probably feel ripped off if I bought this by itself. Thats not to say it doesn't work. Its kind of a MacGyver way of setting something up for PK movement. I feel like its more of a "B-side" type trick that goes into published notes that are more for your consideration, than anything.
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