how about the rule is
If its on primtime TV, then you can say it
seems simple enough, the most watched segment of tv says swears or uses "potty" humor (occasionally simpsons/family guy/ southpark (which is on a little later, huh, parentheses in parantheses, interesting) American Dad)
why not that, if its on primtime, you can say it
You serious? So it becomes just one more facet of life where we say, "everyone does it, so what the f***". Doesn't feel good, eh?"
Too much of the good in this life has succumbed to that way of thinking. Our foundation of integrity is being steadily chipped away on and it is getting so weak that less and less can be borne up by it. You see things in TV commercials that would have earned an X or R rating not too long ago. The TV shows are filth and music is just as bad. But it is our right...protected by the Constitution! Sure it is, but does that mean just because you can do something, that you should? Nope. How many of you that are proponents of the potty language have young kids? Honestly? If you do, then chances are you are not saying you want the freedom to be vulgar here.
It is such a slippery slope that once you start down will slide to the bottom and there will be little chance we can get to where we used to be.
I know I am preaching to a lot of people who will not listen. I remember when I was in my teens and 20s. I did not want to listen to people trying to put a cap on my fun, on my good times. Now I am older and I have children...and I would, in no way, ever let them come to this site.
I am not certain why high profile users here have decided to champion the cause. I have to believe it is done simply to buttress the arguments that are pro-site. OK, let's say that they have kids one day, and they are in the park with them on a certain day. Let's say that those kids are the age of many of the users on this forum. Some person comes up and starts talking to the kids and using words like damn, ass, crap and so forth. How would they feel then? I think they would be outraged. Well, it is not OK to do it with the kids of other parents either.
I guess I will back out of this now. It was decided early on, by someone who was very anti-foul language, to allow it here. Now it must be justified rather than having to admit that a mistake might have been made. Did it make this a higher caliber forum?