Just another deck of cards that everyone will gobble up because Andrei flew in on a helicopter and flourished with them for a few minutes. I mean really, what the hell does Engineered to military precision even mean? They are cards made of pasteboard not a helicopter that needs to be precise so the operator doesn't get injured. And To raiker you may have been using them for a week but what does non-stop consist of to you? It could be any ammount of time out of a day seeing as you have to sleep,eat and work at some point in the day. I could easily say I have used the same smoke deck "Non-stop" for two months if i really wanted too.*
This is just another example of how theory11 tries to suck you into buying their products, no it may not appear they hyped the cards at all. After all they only posted one video right? But they know that if they post a video of Andrei jumping out of a helicopter playing with these cards that everyone will buy it.
Just another example of how the magic companies take advantage of their consumers.
edited by moderator for exposure
If this is an example of how Theory11 is taking advantage of me, SO BE IT, take advantage of me. If an awesome online magic retailer, which is a business, releases high quality new products that I'm interested in, and tells me that it's available through advertising, and generates excitement in a fun way, by giving everyone something to look forward to....if that's taking advantage of people I'm all for it.
Your statement is just another example of someone who is trying to take all of the fun out of things, while trying to kill the American Dream.
"HOW DARE A COMPANY MAKE MONEY?!! This is just another example of the evil capitalistic empire taking advantage of us poor little consumers." Is this what you're saying?
Theory11 took the risk of starting an online venture so that everyone in the magic/cardistry community may benefit and they were successful. GOD BLESS THEM. Did you take the risk? No! If you had the chance to do something you loved while making money would you do it? Maybe you're the wrong person to ask that. You know we're called consumers for a reason? We want this stuff! We don't want them to stop! We want MORE. Who are you to say they are taking advantage of people? They found a demand and they are filling that demand, that's how a good business works.
What is wrong with advertising a product so it sells well? It's a common business practice. You sound very frustrated by someone else achieving the American Dream and that people are having fun in the process.
QUICK! Summon Shady_Aftermath some prune juice and a hard-boiled-egg!