PROPAGANDA: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly


Deleted member 2755

I will probably type up my review of Props later on. The deck absolutely has its pros and cons. My opinion of the deck has been changing a lot since the initial release. I will say though that my experience with the fans has been great. I only had one deck since the release and that deck still fans like new. Way longer than my packs of Guardians. Full review with details tonight or tomorrow.

Apr 27, 2008
Prop's are good for a few things and showing them off because of their look is not one. Way to much going on in the picture itself. I prefer something like smoke and mirrors or split spades where the lines go everywhere and create a very neat image. While the props just have ten things going on taking away from the core look.
Dec 3, 2008
Just another deck of cards that everyone will gobble up because Andrei flew in on a helicopter and flourished with them for a few minutes. I mean really, what the hell does Engineered to military precision even mean? They are cards made of pasteboard not a helicopter that needs to be precise so the operator doesn't get injured. And To raiker you may have been using them for a week but what does non-stop consist of to you? It could be any ammount of time out of a day seeing as you have to sleep,eat and work at some point in the day. I could easily say I have used the same smoke deck "Non-stop" for two months if i really wanted too.*

This is just another example of how theory11 tries to suck you into buying their products, no it may not appear they hyped the cards at all. After all they only posted one video right? But they know that if they post a video of Andrei jumping out of a helicopter playing with these cards that everyone will buy it.

Just another example of how the magic companies take advantage of their consumers.


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ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Just another deck of cards that everyone will gobble up because Andrei flew in on a helicopter and flourished with them for a few minutes. I mean really, what the hell does Engineered to military precision even mean? They are cards made of pasteboard not a helicopter that needs to be precise so the operator doesn't get injured. And To raiker you may have been using them for a week but what does non-stop consist of to you? It could be any ammount of time out of a day seeing as you have to sleep,eat and work at some point in the day. I could easily say I have used the same smoke deck "Non-stop" for two months if i really wanted too.*

This is just another example of how theory11 tries to suck you into buying their products, no it may not appear they hyped the cards at all. After all they only posted one video right? But they know that if they post a video of Andrei jumping out of a helicopter playing with these cards that everyone will buy it.

Just another example of how the magic companies take advantage of their consumers.

Good point, Shady_Aftermath. I also hate how Apple takes advantage of it's customers by making those incredible iPod commercials that force you to buy iPods. And those commercials Nike makes to brainwash you into buying shoes - it's like grand theft auto. The world is ending.

But it isn't. Tomorrow will come. Roses are still red. And those Nike and Apple commercials have won every marketing and design award there is.

There's no conspiracy here - our entire team works night and day to produce products and effects we dig with the goal being to push the envelope of quality, innovation, and progress in this industry. From visual magic to cardistry to high quality decks - we care deeply about what we do and we put more time and thought into it than just about anyone.

We do try our best to make extremely high quality preview videos to feature the product or effect in a captivating manner. We didn't invent the process; if you have an issue with it, your argument is moreso with capitalism, marketing, and reality than with theory11.

For now, relax - enjoy the preview, and enjoy the decks. We had a great time creating these and appreciate all of the feedback and support.
Feb 24, 2008
Amen J Bayme... I pesonally love the design on these cards, but thats irrelevant because its always about subjective opinion. It seems as though you have some sort of vendetta against theory11 for a frankly awesome advertising campain. What do you expect?

People buy them if they want them, a great advert wont shift a product if its not up to scratch. Seriously dude, chill... if you dont like them, your opinion, other people do, so what?
Preach it my man! lol You're either gonna like them or not. It's that Black & White lol. The Advert Camp. Was just that. They simply set things in motion and everyone else jumped right on top of that sucker. Nobody had to look for the clues, cause we would have all found out at the same time anyway. If you like them, speak your peace and move on. Same goes if you don't like them. Just my opinion though.
May 9, 2008
Just another deck of cards that everyone will gobble up because Andrei flew in on a helicopter and flourished with them for a few minutes. I mean really, what the hell does Engineered to military precision even mean? They are cards made of pasteboard not a helicopter that needs to be precise so the operator doesn't get injured. And To raiker you may have been using them for a week but what does non-stop consist of to you? It could be any ammount of time out of a day seeing as you have to sleep,eat and work at some point in the day. I could easily say I have used the same smoke deck "Non-stop" for two months if i really wanted too.*

This is just another example of how theory11 tries to suck you into buying their products, no it may not appear they hyped the cards at all. After all they only posted one video right? But they know that if they post a video of Andrei jumping out of a helicopter playing with these cards that everyone will buy it.

Just another example of how the magic companies take advantage of their consumers.


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If this is an example of how Theory11 is taking advantage of me, SO BE IT, take advantage of me. If an awesome online magic retailer, which is a business, releases high quality new products that I'm interested in, and tells me that it's available through advertising, and generates excitement in a fun way, by giving everyone something to look forward to....if that's taking advantage of people I'm all for it.

Your statement is just another example of someone who is trying to take all of the fun out of things, while trying to kill the American Dream.

"HOW DARE A COMPANY MAKE MONEY?!! This is just another example of the evil capitalistic empire taking advantage of us poor little consumers." Is this what you're saying?

Theory11 took the risk of starting an online venture so that everyone in the magic/cardistry community may benefit and they were successful. GOD BLESS THEM. Did you take the risk? No! If you had the chance to do something you loved while making money would you do it? Maybe you're the wrong person to ask that. You know we're called consumers for a reason? We want this stuff! We don't want them to stop! We want MORE. Who are you to say they are taking advantage of people? They found a demand and they are filling that demand, that's how a good business works.

What is wrong with advertising a product so it sells well? It's a common business practice. You sound very frustrated by someone else achieving the American Dream and that people are having fun in the process.

QUICK! Summon Shady_Aftermath some prune juice and a hard-boiled-egg!
Sep 1, 2007
You sound very frustrated by someone else achieving the American Dream and that people are having fun in the process.

That must make him a communist.

Oh boy. We caught another one.

But seriously, if he wants to express his opinion, that's fine. Stick it to the man and all that jazz, but in the end, capitalism will crush all all those blue-blooded pinkos...
Jan 27, 2008
Hey Jonraiker, are you sure that's your actual opinion? Are you sure your not just saying that because you f'kin work here? No offense but you probably use them for an hour a day or something... Seriously post a vid of you doing some sorta 2-hc's and I'll take your word that the decks 'still fan great' after that long.
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Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I spy a small one-way design as well. From the pics above, you can see above the center grenade, 3 lines on one side, and four on the other.

I actually saw a different one way.

The stars in the middle of the card, have white spots over the black, but they're both on the same side of the card. :rolleyes:

But I also found the one way in guardians and aviators. I have too much time on my hands...

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