Question about 52-1 deck

Sep 2, 2021
Wondering if anyone who owns the 52-1 deck could answer a nagging question. If you have this deck you know that the spectator can only choose 1 of 6 cards and then the performer narrows it down and ultimately cuts the deck to the spectators card. When watching the tutorial the ten of Diamonds is on the bottom of the deck and shown to the spectator who could possibly choose this card. However there is no provision to cut to this card as it is not one of the 6 cards. I realize the ten is there to hide the gaff card below it but the spectator could conceivably remember that card. Anyone else have this question or an answer for me ?


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
Wondering if anyone who owns the 52-1 deck could answer a nagging question. If you have this deck you know that the spectator can only choose 1 of 6 cards and then the performer narrows it down and ultimately cuts the deck to the spectators card. When watching the tutorial the ten of Diamonds is on the bottom of the deck and shown to the spectator who could possibly choose this card. However there is no provision to cut to this card as it is not one of the 6 cards. I realize the ten is there to hide the gaff card below it but the spectator could conceivably remember that card. Anyone else have this question or an answer for me ?

They won't name that one but if you wish you can ask them to "look at a card in the middle of the deck" or even ask them not to name the 10 because it would be too easy to find.
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Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
They dont "name" a card, they only think of one and that one is visible to be thought of in the spread.
Okay. I have replaced "name" with "think of" and we get:

They won't think of that one but if you wish you can ask them to "look at a card in the middle of the deck" or even ask them not to think of the 10 because it would be too easy to find.
Apr 26, 2013
I have failed to do this trick consistently while practicing it. The deck given is great, but the extra step needed, one I used years ago, just wasn't making the break. Maybe my hands are dry, maybe the cards are dry. Nothing fancy, but I kept missing... I did by some new standard cards to include with the gimmick, but, to be honest, I have been happier with Omega.
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