Rant: New Magic - Good or Bad?


Aug 31, 2007
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This is a very interesting topic.

For the record, i picked up magic very late (i'm 30) and started with E's crash course one. For what it's worth, i felt Brad's teaching was pretty good and it gave me some basic foundations like:
- always practice slow. speed will pick up
- presentation/ patter creates the magic else it's just a 'trick'

After about 6 months (that's right for 6 months i practiced hard and performed what was in CC1)i joined a local club of sorts and hooked up with fellow magicians, i discovered who doug henning, dai vernon, dan harlan, lance burton, daryl etc and all these other 'old pros' whose names did not have david, blaine, criss and angel in it. When i first heard these names i felt like i was an alien from another planet!

THEN i hit the treasured books. Picked up RRTCM and soon, strong magic by darwin ortiz. Anyway my point is, if you truly desire to improve your magic, you will know where to look irregardless of whether it's a new cool magic effect or just a simple biddle trick. The idea is, keep an open mind!

My 2 cents

Good for you! See, many new magicians starting becaus ethey saw criss angel perform ro somthing like thta, usually don't take that step, I am going to make a little diagram of somesort to show what I mean...

E DVD's----> The kid is in the mother's womb.
books and old school magic------> A 2 year old kid.

See you can see the jump, I think it takes soem guts to make a jump from dvd's then to books, its not easy.

Here is a story, I started with books, then came dvd's and I was almost like a gitty school girl when dvd's came, becaus elearning magic was so mcuh easier. But then I grew to depend on dvd's and about 4 or 5 months ago, I went back to books and well.... it wasn't easy.

Here is a quote I just heard like 20 minutes ago that I find really relates to this topic...

"A visual learner, whats that? That simply meens somone that is to lazy to learn how to read."
-Simon Lovell
Sep 2, 2007
The mentality or should i say, maturity of the 'magician' (i use it loosely) plays a big part in creating good magic.

Let's take for example T11's 1-on-1 section. My very FIRST purchase was i think, last week and it was Chris Kenner's 4 for 4 switch. I currently am trying to string together a 4 of a kind production routine of sorts (ace production, basic sandwich effect, 4 ace triumph, dr. daley's last etc) and i thought the 4 for 4 would be useful.

Basically what i'm trying to say is that i didn't go all crazy and bought 3fry because it was so COOL or it was the 'NEWEST' 1-on-1 stuff on T11! I couldn't even handle ONE coin with grace and fluidity, how am i going to handle 3? So 3 fly or 3 fry or shadow coins can wait... Nail down my basics with 1 coin first before moving on BUT do the younger learners have this kind of responsibility toward magic? (i also consider myself 'young' because i am only 1 year into this hobby)

Sorry if i sound like babbling but like what Lee Asher said, 'It's not about tricks, it's the performer'. So FYI, no, i did not buy W:H's Control not because it's new or cool but i just want to concentrate on my 4 ace routine for now and am thankful i came across the 4for4 switch.

PS: i have to partially agree with Simon Lovell on Reel Magic. I'm a visual learner but it does not mean i'm lazy. :p


Aug 31, 2007
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The mentality or should i say, maturity of the 'magician' (i use it loosely) plays a big part in creating good magic.

Let's take for example T11's 1-on-1 section. My very FIRST purchase was i think, last week and it was Chris Kenner's 4 for 4 switch. I currently am trying to string together a 4 of a kind production routine of sorts (ace production, basic sandwich effect, 4 ace triumph, dr. daley's last etc) and i thought the 4 for 4 would be useful.

Basically what i'm trying to say is that i didn't go all crazy and bought 3fry because it was so COOL or it was the 'NEWEST' 1-on-1 stuff on T11! I couldn't even handle ONE coin with grace and fluidity, how am i going to handle 3? So 3 fly or 3 fry or shadow coins can wait... Nail down my basics with 1 coin first before moving on BUT do the younger learners have this kind of responsibility toward magic? (i also consider myself 'young' because i am only 1 year into this hobby)

Sorry if i sound like babbling but like what Lee Asher said, 'It's not about tricks, it's the performer'. So FYI, no, i did not buy W:H's Control not because it's new or cool but i just want to concentrate on my 4 ace routine for now and am thankful i came across the 4for4 switch.

PS: i have to partially agree with Simon Lovell on Reel Magic. I'm a visual learner but it does not mean i'm lazy. :p

Thats anothe rproblem, alot of peopel buy effects or tricks before actualy thinking about how they are going to weave it into there routine.

But then again, alot of magicians right now are experimenting with what they like, I wa slike that once, bought every trick I could get my hands on until I figured out what I liked.

Now that I found what I like and I have a standard routine, all I do is pick and choose what can go in my routine, makes buying magic cheaper and alot easier if you ask me.
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