RDChopper VS. Nexusmagic

Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
Hey guys. First off, vote went to RDC, well done on that.

RD: 0:51, careful of the squaring :)

Nexus: Just more flow, the sleights didn't really flash per se but it did look awkward at times. For example the tilt - it took too long, and the subtlety of pushing middle cards out happened before the card was actually going in.

In general, to both: God forbid anyone have an ACR routine that tedious! I hope this isn't your real ACR routines. Whatever happened to a good 5 phases? After about a minute, it was pretty much showing off to magicians. Which is just fine for Battle Arena - this is why I no longer participate in battles, it's not which routine is better, it's which routine magicians appreciate more, which defeats the purpose for me. However, I just wanted to add this down here: as far as an ACR routine goes in real performance, it needs to be shorter, have more involvement (Nexus fared a little better than RD here) from the spectator, rather than how many ways we can utilise an admittedly very good pass/clipshift/colour changes. The routine itself needs to have some sort of structure - the phases should vary and ultimately increase in impossibility/uniqueness.

Nice work guys, well done to both :)

thanks for taking the time man, I surely appreaciate just one thing thought,,

haha thats not the routine I do when I do a ACR for laymen, I involve patter, lots of patter, but as you know , I dont speak english so I asked nexus magic to do it witouth patter. Patter,patter, patter hahaha

thank you man.
I hope this isn't your real ACR routines. Whatever happened to a good 5 phases?

H to the E to the L squared no is that my real acr I would not ever do the card to box thing in the type of setting I perform in. Also when I am with specs I do alot of double lifts and the standard popup move.
It is a bummer you do not battle because you feel that you have to one up the person you are battling against.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
That's cool guys, I just wanted to make sure.

And nexus, to clarify - I don't battle any more because it's magicians judging magicians, which for me loses all usefulness in terms of showing my material and testing material. My experience from watching battles is that magicians vote for what is most impressive for magicians rather than laymen - but magic is about laymen, not magicians. If I accepted a battle, with a video that included a perfect anti-faro, I would win every battle, even if an anti-faro had nothing to do with it. (Exaggeration, but you get my point hopefully)
i only vote if it is good and orgianal and ACR how about no.

Finding "original" magic is like trying to find a virgin in a brothal. All plots have been explored by now and most of the material out there is just a re-packaged version of someone else's rutine.

Nice try though.

Don't be such a spoil sport! It takes all of what... 2 seconds to vote for something? You spend more time than that just zipping up your fly.

To further make a point: The ACR is one of the most basic and strait forward plots that a card worker can perform. Simply put: It kills. Because of the versitility of the performance it stands to reason that no two ACR's would be exactly the same since you have a plethora of choices on how to execuite the effect. Sure we as magicians may groan at a DL, Marlo Tilt, into a one handed pass but the laymen just sit there spell bound. Before you pan an effect consider who you are performing for! 90% of the time it will be laymen.

So ACR... How about YES!
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
Finding "original" magic is like trying to find a virgin in a brothal. All plots have been explored by now and most of the material out there is just a re-packaged version of someone else's rutine.

Nice try though.

Don't be such a spoil sport! It takes all of what... 2 seconds to vote for something? You spend more time than that just zipping up your fly.

To further make a point: The ACR is one of the most basic and strait forward plots that a card worker can perform. Simply put: It kills. Because of the versitility of the performance it stands to reason that no two ACR's would be exactly the same since you have a plethora of choices on how to execuite the effect. Sure we as magicians may groan at a DL, Marlo Tilt, into a one handed pass but the laymen just sit there spell bound. Before you pan an effect consider who you are performing for! 90% of the time it will be laymen.

So ACR... How about YES!

thank you!:p
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