Still, I am not sure how I am an elitist here.
I already explained it.
You want to cut people out of the forum for not having reached an arbitrary bar of magic academia. Who do you think you are to tell people that?
It is also a shame that you have totally downplayed the fact that I have achieved 2 degrees.
I didn't ask for your resume. And frankly, I distrust people who try to bludgeon me with their accolades. I don't like anyone who thinks they have something to prove.
I am not trying to directly attack your character here however at this point, I am certain that you are obviously not fit to engage in any intellectual debate or dialogue.
Am I supposed to be impressed? I speak English as well as you do. The difference is that I'm not afraid to say what is on my mind, nor do I claim to be better than anybody else.
However, there are a lot of threads on this site that don't need to be here simply because they lack good content.
Then answer their questions, and the thread will drop off the first page quickly enough. And don't give me excuses about how you're trying to defend the reputations of the administrators.
Maybe what I am suggesting is that we should ALL think twice before making questionable posts that hurt Theory11's credibility.
Then why did you start this thread?
Here's some news for you. I belong to a music forum. About two years ago, I noticed the quality of posts going down. So I started a weekly series of write-ups on lesser known bands from my collection in order to broaden people's horizons. After a couple months of that, the forums came alive and about a dozen other people had series threads going themselves, all on different topics.
Most recently, I wrote up my Who Are You? articles for Ellusionist and then posted them here. It was a distillation of all the knowledge I had learned on my own and from the positive influences in my life. I'm currently working on an essay about researching real-world mythology, superstitions, and science to mine for scripting and routining in magic and mentalism.
What have you done?