Heres a review from the cafe
Alrighty, I've made my way through all 3 volumes.
Overall, I feel similar to Gospel Dan about this set. You're getting a peek into Dan's brain, complete with the good, the bad, and the ugly.
There are a lot of interesting ideas in here, some of which I love, and some of which I don't care for as much. However, even the effects that I don't think I'll perform sparked an idea, or opened my mind to a new method.
As previously mentioned, there are a lot of 'craft' projects on here. So if you're strictly an improptu kind of person, the material probably isn't for you. Non of the gaffs or gimmicks are particular hard or fancy. They'll just take a few minutes and some household items.
Some effects are performed for audiences, some are performed just for the camera, and others are just explained. Some are presented as ideas for you to play with and develop, and others are presented as full effects/routines.
Some of my favorites across all 3 volumes are Unmatched, Laced, Puff/Smoke, Coin and Marker Transpo, Footloose, and Fake Take from Box. There are some other solid ideas, these just stand out as some favorites. I've already made the gimmick for Unmatched and tried the effect out for several people, and the responses have been strong. So it's definitely a winner for me.
Footloose is an amazing effect, with an equally clever method. This easily could have sold as a single-trick release and been worth the $20-30 it would've sold for. I was glad to see it in here.
There are sections on all 3 DVDs where Dan talks about his inspiration for an effect, his creative process, etc. I always enjoy getting some artist insight beyond just the effects and methods.
For those who can only go for one volume right now, I'd suggest Volume 3. For me, it had the most amount of material that I think I'd actually use.
If you purchase the set, I don't think you'll be disappointed. You'll get some effects you'll want to use immediately, some that you'll probably never use, and others that will spark your own ideas. Dan will certainly impress you with his out-of-the-box thinking and get your creative wheels turning.