Restless by Dan Hauss

Jun 10, 2010
That whole thing was redundant.

"It wasn't worth it."
"There are better ways."
"Too many gimmicks."
"No presentation."

Yawn. You kinda reminded me of the person you bought these effects from...

EDIT: I'm not much of a gimmick fan, so I can see why you wouldn't like that. If I gained some knowledge from this review, it's that this material will not suit my style, being someone who relies on sleights more than gimmicks.


Feb 9, 2010
You are one of the biggest hypocrites that I have ever seen. The guy was giving an honest review so therefore, you can't criticize him for it. Also, there is no reason for you to type LIKE THIS! Just because you type something in Caps does not mean that it makes it any more impressive. Please find a good point in your argument before you come out and start criticizing people.

Thank you.
Jul 1, 2008
You are one of the biggest hypocrites that I have ever seen. The guy was giving an honest review so therefore, you can't criticize him for it. Also, there is no reason for you to type LIKE THIS! Just because you type something in Caps does not mean that it makes it any more impressive. Please find a good point in your argument before you come out and start criticizing people.

Thank you.

well said man ;)
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Also, there is no reason for you to type LIKE THIS! Just because you type something in Caps does not mean that it makes it any more impressive.

It impresses me.

Actually I just wanted to laugh at the reviewer. You heard about Dan Hauss' reputation as a walking gimmick and then hate his tricks because...they use gimmicks?

I don't know, seems like you were expecting a ton of impromptu tricks that would magically make you a top notch magician. Nothing but practice and dedication can do that though...

I don't own restless, and probably won't buy it anytime soon (partially because I'm poor) but everything I own from Dan Hauss (even the ones people said were crap) were great buys for me. Meh, to each their own.
Apr 5, 2009
thank you

It impresses me.

Actually I just wanted to laugh at the reviewer. You heard about Dan Hauss' reputation as a walking gimmick and then hate his tricks because...they use gimmicks?

I don't know, seems like you were expecting a ton of impromptu tricks that would magically make you a top notch magician. Nothing but practice and dedication can do that though...

I don't own restless, and probably won't buy it anytime soon (partially because I'm poor) but everything I own from Dan Hauss (even the ones people said were crap) were great buys for me. Meh, to each their own.

you are correct with the whole gimmick thing thats what im trying to say
Apr 5, 2009

ok sorry for being an ass but that was my point i didnt mean to sound rude so im sorry but i just didnt know why he was complaning and so mad that there was gimmicks and no prestiontation so sorry but i hope you understand my point
People, I did not say impromptu tricks make a you a top notch magician. What I am saying is that in the description, it says that these pieces of magic are effects that could be released on their own, and this just ain't so. I think some gimmicked effects are incredible beyond compare, but they are gimmicks you can you can carry about on your person and that create an effect worth making the gimmick for. The majority of these effects just arn't that. Now, if the discription of the DVD had said "These are ideas Dan is working on, not full pieces of magic" I wouldn't be so angry. But the description tried to make something that shouldn't have been released yet into a release worth buying, and I would rather the reviewer spend the 100 on something worth it (AoA), not a few thoughts thrown into a shoddy DVD.
Jun 10, 2010
People, I did not say impromptu tricks make a you a top notch magician. What I am saying is that in the description, it says that these pieces of magic are effects that could be released on their own, and this just ain't so. I think some gimmicked effects are incredible beyond compare, but they are gimmicks you can you can carry about on your person and that create an effect worth making the gimmick for. The majority of these effects just arn't that. Now, if the discription of the DVD had said "These are ideas Dan is working on, not full pieces of magic" I wouldn't be so angry. But the description tried to make something that shouldn't have been released yet into a release worth buying, and I would rather the reviewer spend the 100 on something worth it (AoA), not a few thoughts thrown into a shoddy DVD.

I love how so many people use the "I did not say ..." line. It's such a cliche.. And the best part is, you don't fool anybody with it. (Directed at everybody, not just andy)
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I dont know what you mean?

He's right, but not.

It is a cliche but you, in fact, didn't say that.

I purposely inferred what you said incorrectly to over prove my point. How many dozens of products in the magic industry say one thing that could possibly be true, and then most people are disappointed by the product?

Dan Hauss uses these effects. Mike Hankin's probably had the best answer (of people who own the set) in that a lot of it won't fit most peoples style. The difference will be that while everything isn't for everyone, a lot of people will find a different gem in this set. What one person adores will be another persons least favorite effect.

I'd say give one or two of these effects a try, on some strangers (or new friends), and see how it goes. If it fails completely, walk away like nothing happened...if the reactions are strong, maybe reconsider making some of the gimmicks.

It's almost like's not a bad trick, it's just too situational to be a great trick. (no offense to Mathieu Bich, damn creative guru)
Dec 20, 2009
I've just got to say... I do agree with AndyBossGlass on most of the stuff in his review. But I agree that it was a little harsh. I didn't like that it was all gimmicks... But it didn't really matter too much.

One thing I definitely don't like about his review is the part about Footloose. I don't know about you guys, but I personally think it's amazing! I mean, it's the ultimate street magic. Using one of the most common objects, shoes... And that one of them is the spectators.... I mean it's their shoe for god's sake!

Whatever... Cool review...
I've just got to say... I do agree with AndyBossGlass on most of the stuff in his review. But I agree that it was a little harsh. I didn't like that it was all gimmicks... But it didn't really matter too much.

One thing I definitely don't like about his review is the part about Footloose. I don't know about you guys, but I personally think it's amazing! I mean, it's the ultimate street magic. Using one of the most common objects, shoes... And that one of them is the spectators.... I mean it's their shoe for god's sake!

Whatever... Cool review...

Its the methodology I didn't really like on footloose, but yes the initial idea was good, but just like with a lot of his effects, the execution left much to be desired.
Jul 13, 2009
Thanks for the Review Boss.

I agree with your review and you certainly haven't lost your touch on being blunt haha! That is what I like about ya. Anyway, I am a gimmicky guy and knew what I was getting when I purchased Reckless. I do believe some of the effects couldn't be sold on there own, well they could but then I'd have to compare Dan Hauss not to Jerry Andrus but Jay Sankey of modern time. (love his older L and L dvds).

I completely agree that these effects are not for cardists and most magicians who have the "I have to end clean" Syndrome. The effects taught have made me think about how to take what has been given to me and try to make it better or create my own presentation. If people do not like that sort of DVD, this one is probably not for you.



How is the line, "I did not say..." a cliche? If you didn't say something and someone said you did. It is the line to use. I am going to echo Boss, Fang by saying " I dont know what you mean? " Which he did say.
Jul 1, 2008
Man people just cant move on...stop yapin about it and do something else.There are bad movies bad games and also bad magic tricks. So if something is bad then its bad and you cannot change it. Move on there are other awesome tricks...geeze
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
To pick up on something Keo said, the I have to end clean mentality is most often just a sign of laziness, fear, guilt, and poor audience management. So what if you end dirty? With the uncommon exception that you require ending clean in order to transition into another trick for practical purposes, there's no problem there. The audiences don't know you're ending dirty. If you get caught, it's your own fault.
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