The one Guy Hollingworth talks about in his book... That would be Ken Krenzel's Mechanical Reverse, beautiful sleight.
- Sean
- Sean
O yeh i forgot to state that the second card on the bottom is face up already, i just need to know how reverse the bottom most card without having to bring it to the top and doing a ego change.
Any help?
Does anyone know how to reverse the bottom card. I know the usual half pass but i can't seem to do it smoothly. Is there any other way to reverse the bottom card which seem undetectable?
Reversing the bottom card is a sleight I barley seem to use, but just by trying it now, it seems quite invisible if you get the angle right, if you just flick it over with the pinky (after aquireing a break) and by putting the index finger under the deck.
Just slide it back and slightly to your right, then flick it upside-down.