I am still confused about all this fanning business. I opened the pack, and they faned very nicley. Maybe mine are different? I really don't know, but I've only opened one pack and it has felt good in everyway. I'm not a fan boy and I really could care less if you buy or don't buy these cards.
Like I said before I really think some of you think these cards are literally going to create the magic by themselves. They are just cards. What you can do with them is up to you.
Also, why only look at it at at a quality aspect. What about the financial aspect? If these cards can really fetch 40-50 bucks and you can buy them for 5 dollars a deck, why would you not do so? If you hate them, great, sell them off and make a ton of money back.
I really think people are disapointed in them because they aren't some manifistation of a card that can make a genie appear and do the tricks for you.
Anyways, I'm done talking about it. I like them. If you don't, sell them. Make some money.