Im curious as to how your pass has improved in a matter of hours just by getting this download?
Im with enigma, pick up something from england and learn real techiniques from a true master. All Chad's riffle pass is a color change. Much too unnatural to be a control.
Now that's a blind statement there Dan. Chad's techniques are just as good as Jason's. Just because he has had 20 years of practice with the pass doesn't make him God of all pass techniques. Chad has really great input. I normally am not a big fan of Chad, but this is a great download. Anyone can improve their magic or card sleights with a change in how they do it. So yes, I did change and improve my pass by Chad's techniques. I'm not saying it has shot up significantly in being undetectable or unspotted, but in terms of how it has made my confidence in doing the pass sky rocket. I never liked the classic pass, so I thought I'd let it grow on me by throwing 5 bucks into a risk pool, and I'm glad I did because it makes me want to work harder at it. I find Chad's easier for ME. ME. I'm not saying it suits you, because I have no idea on what style fits you, but for 5 bucks (which isn't much at all) it's definitely worth putting the money into. Even if you are great at the pass, there is always room for flexibility and room for improvement, am I not right?