Saturday Night Contest - 13 Years!


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Apparently I joined in January of 2008! Go figure... Favorite release was the tops that Jason England put out.
(And Bee Stingers - miss those. Maybe bring 'em back in blue. I hear color variations are all the rage...)
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Sep 6, 2020
I joined today (about time!) , I'm relatively new to cards and magic but it has really sparked an interest recently.

Having looked through alot of the cards I would have to say the contrabands or Artisans are definitely my favourite.

The Starwars release was also pretty slick.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2019
Joined: Dec 9, 2019, through a search found that this was the origin of monarchs and got me some.

Favorite realease came out just a bit after (i think or maybe it was already there) but the zandman book tests were dope and still one of my favorite non card props!
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Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
I dont remember the exact year when I joined the theory 11 club but I remember it was before 2010, sometime in 2009 or 2008. I still remember what my first purchase was. It was panic by Aaron Fisher, back then these were sold by T11. Been a member from Pakistan, these magic is an expensive hobby to pursue I still remember how scared i was when i placed my first order thinking if its a scam site or if the order would reach me, but it reached me without any hastle. Never worried from there onwards.
For me my favorites have been the small one on one videos that used to here.
Happy Birthday
Apr 4, 2020
i joined in april 2020
im more of a collector than anything else i can do a couple slights i like cardisrty more than the magic
after stumbling across some vids of cardists and collectors i was hooked
i loved the monachs since the first time i saw them i would love to have a gold silver and white for my collection maybe someday ill afford them
congrats on 13 years
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Elite Member
May 18, 2017
I joined in 2017 and I’ve always been a fan of the intricate back designs of your decks. I can’t choose one but I particularly love Contraband, Monarchs and Mailchimp decks.
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2018
I joined a little over a year ago, after I discovered The Gentleman Wake's YouTube channel, and fell in love with the Citizens deck. Technically, my wife had purchased me the White Artisans for my birthday before I found his channel, but it was his channel that made me realize that Theory11 had some seriously amazing decks, for an incredibly reasonable price!

Hmm, probably my favorite Theory11 thing has to be the Contraband book lamp. It is just so cool, and I love having it by my bed on my nightstand. I actually wish you guys did more things like this!
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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Can hardly believe what the records states but it actually is true: I've been a member since 2007, so yes: the whole 13 years, since the very beginning...

Back then I purchased a couple of Bicycle Guardians (along with 3 Brown WYNN decks and Panic by Aaron Fisher), and i know this ain't a mistake of any kind because I "sacrificed" those two bicycle Guardians decks to perform a trick to that girl I really liked back then.

It was a "in the mouth" card transpo (French Kiss, funny how it owes that name as I am indeed french).

I guess it did work, because that girl: well she is now my wife, and we've been together for almost 13 years now...
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Elite Member
Dec 8, 2013
Birmingham, UK
Congratulations on 13 strong years in the magic anc playing card business!
I joined in late 2013. Was on a playing card forum and they were talking about a holiday wheel which got me excited and me sign up.
Best release? There's too many but one of my most used T11 releases, and a huge crowd pleaser, has to be Double Cross. Still kills!!
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Feb 22, 2020
Congratulations Theory11!!
I'm a member since Feb. 22nd, 2020, and my favorite release is "Out of My Mind by Spidey" and my favorite deck is Citizens playing cards.
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Elite Member
Sep 18, 2017
I joined Theory11 in 2017 shortly after I took up magic as a hobby. I absolutely loved the card designs and then stumbled onto the forum and found it to be an amazing place with amazing people offering advice!
My favorite thing was the NPH playing cards! Hope I could get my hands on one of those one day!
Theory11 is such a great place! Here's to another 130 years!!!
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Mar 1, 2018
I joined Theory11 on the first of March in 2018. It was after I got the White Artisan playing cards as a gift and I found out that they are produced by Theory11. I love all the card designs, but my favorite cards are still the White Artisan, because they were the first custom designed cards I got. I also love the Derren Brown cards.

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
First of all Happy birthday Theory11 and to many more years to come.

I joined back in 2013 and I consider my self lucky that I have lived in that era it was a very good few years for the industry and specially with Theory11.
Exposé was coming to us every week, the marketplace was on fire, and does anybody here remember that SNC with a 100 monarchs as a prize? It was insane.

Choosing a favorite release is so damn hard but I still remember when Rapture was released oh boy I watched that trailer hundreds of times it was and still is one my favorite trailers of all time, but to be honest my favorite release has to be Dresscode by CM for me this effect changed the way I looked at magic in general it defined a new category of magic for me.
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Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
I joined T11 back in April 26, 2013.... I have given and received helped along the way . These past 7 years have been incredible. I have met a lot of people many of which I consider to be real magic buddies. Joining the Saturday Night Contests was fun as well. Come to think about it I don't even remember how I really came across this website... It's almost as if it was divinely presented to me and I just took it from there. I found my one true passion which is card magic, and refining my Up The Ladder Cuts. I became sick around 2008-2009 with a diagnoses of Schizophrenia. So hopping on and off the forums has been tremendous coping strategy for me..My absolute favorite release so far would have to be Jason England what to read video, it's very informative and best of all it's free. Thanks T11. :)
Yo I joined too in 2013 I’m glad I made friends because of the SNCs through out the years especially the old gang like you people who entered every week for years these people are gold.
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.


Elite Member
Aug 14, 2013
I found TXI in 2013 after finding out that I could buy the cards used in Now You See Me. So I got a few decks of Monarchs and a couple tricks including Dresscode, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Now, what was a couple of decks has turned into nearly 200 (just from T11).
My favorite releases would probably be the Contraband book lamp for its uniqueness and the NYSM edition Monarchs.

Congratulations on 13 years guys, and here’s to many, many more!
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Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
I joined t11 about 12 years ago. For me the best realese from you, guys, as a deck - the Sentinels, and as a magic realese - it has to be Jason Englands masterclass of card foundamentals.
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Elite Member
Jul 7, 2020
I joined Theory Eleven, a few months after I began learning sleight of hand (picked it up during quarantine) I had heard about Theory Eleven through a YouTube video about a deck collection. I saw all the amazing deck designs and knew I had to get my hand on some of them. The Monarchs were my first buy, and they’re probably my favorite deck so far. Congrats on the anniversary!
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My favorite release are Voyagers. I bought one pack in December of 2019, and I gave it to this super sweet, super cute girl who I had the biggest crush on, and somehow now she is my girlfriend! So thank you Theory 11 ;)
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Dec 15, 2014
I joined the Theory 11 sometime around 2014. The first deck I got was a silver monarch from my friend as a birthday gift. Ever since I have fallen in love with the cards that Theory 11 produced. My favourite release from Theory 11 has to be the Darren Brown playing cards.
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