I was also under the impression that
Judging will be based only on the number of color changes clearly, cleanly executed within the 30 second timespan. Good luck and may the fastest win!
- in which case,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvjdH4LHgWs (BRoop13's video) should not have won- it's simple as that. According to the rules, he did not execute the most color changes in 30 seconds. I counted 12 changes in his video, a few of which flashed a bit, while other members, myself included, had 60+.
But I'm gonna be pretty pacifistic (is that a word? heh) here, and say that I can totally see where Casey is coming from. The thing is, I think, that these contests (which are awesome anyways, btw) can't be completely objective to their own rules. It just wouldn't work. He's a person too, and if there's a video that catches his eye (the winning video, it's good! The color changes are great!) then that's the one he'll probably pick. I think we all just need to understand that there has to be some bend in the rules each night in order for Casey to make a decision he really thinks is right.
Lastly, I'm going to quote something someone commented on my video. Context: a few other comments were bashing me, complaining that I shouldn't win cause I wasn't doing real color changes and just sort of bashing in general. Doesn't
really bother me. Well, this person, DNgui94, said this, and I think it's pretty pertinent to SNCs in general:
Gosh... far out guys, it's a contest, he's in par with the rules and you shouldn't REALLY care whether or not who gets the prize. The point of the contest is to bring our community closer and to share ideas with each other. Whether or not he wins... you shouldn't care, it's for fun!

DGZeya, thanks for the laughs you gave me and also the ideas which you've also shown everyone
He was speaking to me, but I think it applies to this situation pretty well.
(DGZeya is my YouTube account name)
So yeah...congrats to BRoop13 for his awesome video!