Saturday Night Contest - A Shuffled Chaos

Dec 16, 2011
Hey there,
Here are my answers
top card- nine of clubs
bottom card- 5 of spades
Good luck to all and thanks!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys!

No one correctly guessed both cards, however, the first person to guess the first card was Fuzzmaster20, with his guess of the Jack of Hearts! The bottom card was the Queen of Spades. Please send me a PM with your theory11 store account email, along with your mailing address and name.

Thanks for participating guys!



Jack hearts
Ten spades
5 diamonds

Hey guys! Sorry the contest is late. Bad weather here and the internet got disconnected. Rest assured, there is one right now!

Tonight's contest is going to be simple. I have a deck of cards in hand, in new deck order. I'm going to give it one bridge shuffle, one overhand shuffle, and then a quick cut. Your job is to guess the top AND bottom card after my sequence is finished. Each member gets one guess, so make it count!

Post your predictions in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:30pm EST. At that time, I will go through all submissions and see who got it right first, or who came the closest!

Winner tonight will receive a 6 Pack of Steampunk Playing Cards, on the house!

Get to shuffling!
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