Saturday Night Contest - Anti-Cardistry!


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
Hey guys! Hope you all are having a great start to the weekend. If you checked out this week's episode of Expose, you would have seen a little teaser of a video I plan to release soon. In the teaser, you'll see that I am doing cardistry - but in non-traditional ways. For example, a card twirl turns into a phone production, etc. That's the basis of this week's challenge.

We want to see you guys do what we like to call "Anti-Cardistry", which is cardistry done in non-traditional ways. For example, that could mean making a video of cardistry with zero cuts or shuffles (only bouncing off objects and aerials like in the vid I made) - or performing cardistry without cards, with other objects like notecards, Oreos, drink coasters, business cards, envelopes, etc.

Your challenge is to create a video that is 30 seconds or less, demonstrating "anti-cardistry" that was described above. You have 24 hours to make it happen. Upload your video to either YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram and post the link in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, September 28th. Once time is up, our panel of judges including myself will go through all submissions and decide on a winner.

The main judging criteria for this week will be as follows: Creativity and Execution. We want to see how well you can manipulate your object of choice and create moves around it. Take into account the shape, size, and weight of your object and try to use it to your advantage. The best overall demonstration based on that criteria will take home the prize. Keep in mind you can use a deck of cards, but keep it as non-traditional as possible.

As always, we want NEW videos for this contest! No video that is uploaded prior to the posting of this contest will count if it is entered (it will automatically be disqualified). New videos only!

What can you take home if you win? 1,000 Elite Member Points, 6 Decks of Tycoon Playing Cards, and ANY cardistry project available on our site (Genesis v1 or v2, SOLO, Pure, NB3, or Monument). Get to it! You have 24 hours.
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Jul 13, 2014
It reminds me of something I realized when I tried to figure out how to classify cardistry. It's actually a from of contact juggling.


Elite Member
Dec 3, 2012
Can we use more objects or do we have to stick to one? For an example if I do decide to use cards can I switch to something else during the video or do I have to stick to cards?
Aug 11, 2013
SNC - cardistry without/with cards

A little routine I put together for the Saturday Night Contest.
The challenge was to perform cardistry without using actual cards, so I did it with 208 cards - inside the boxes. :)
The flourishes are executed with 4 decks of cards, all inside their boxes. It was really challenging. :) I opened one of the boxes during the routine, so at the end I could show that the cards are actually inside. :)
Enjoy! :)
Jan 2, 2014
Toulouse, France
Perfum'distry !

When I saw all the video with mobile phone or card box, I've opened my wardrobe and saw my perfume...

It's a kind of a complicated work to do cardistry with perfume but... I did it !!


Hope you love it !
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