Saturday Night Contest - Cardist Combat!

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
What's up guys! Hope you all are having a fantastic week so far. If you saw this week's Expose, you can tell that we are really excited for the premiere of Wizard Wars on August 19th, only on the SyFy channel. We love that creative minds in magic can showcase their talents on national television, but what about cardists? We love cardists, too, and would love to see that show concept adapted to cardistry. Well, here it is - welcome to Cardist Combat.

As you can guess, this contest involves your cardistry skills. The challenge tonight is to create your very own flourish. We will judge this contest based on originality, creativity and execution, so make sure you practice it before filming. Get it right and win!

Upload your video entry to either YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram, and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, August 3rd. You have a full 24 hours to enter this week.

You have to submit a brand new video, and only one entry per member this week, so make it count.

What can you take home? 1,000 Elite Member Points, and your choice of either Genesis, Solo, Monument, or a six pack of Medallions Playing Cards. Good luck to all participants - we can't wait to see your moves!
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