Well, there are only 2^5 = 32 possible outcomes, so what I'd do is list them and go through the thread writing the username of the first person to a combination besides the combination they wrote. That would allow you to find relatively easily unwritten combinations and the list of possible winners.
Well, there are only 2^5 = 32 possible outcomes, so what I'd do is list them and go through the thread writing the username of the first person to a combination besides the combination they wrote. That would allow you to find relatively easily unwritten combinations and the list of possible winners.
I think it may be easier to just look through them and see which one matches.
Itd be like matching a shape more than checking each individual entry for h/t.
And this way, you could get rid of a lot of answers very quickly. For example, assuming all 32 combinations were played out an equal amount of times, half of them could be eliminated instantly based on the first number alone.
I don't want to take this thread too off topic, so I'll be brief:
That's what I do to check if the submission I want to give has already been written and there are few posts before mine (or what I'd do if I knew the answer and were looking for the winner).
When there are multiple posts, the list seems better to me because it ensures that I only go through the thread once and I don't have to write down all the unique already written sequences for each new Contest (if you write the list once, you can use it several times).
At the end of the day, whatever works for you is the correct answer.
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