Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!

Effect: Borrow any empty water bottle from a spectator and make sure the cap is tightly on. Ask them to crush the bottle which they can't due to the air pressure in the bottle. With a snap of your fingers, you can vanish the pressure in the bottle and anyone can crush the bottle as flat as a pancake. The spectator can keep the crushed bottle as a souvenir. No switches are used and the bottle is ungimmicked with the cap left tightly secured the entire time.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for results!

Overall, there were some truly amazing effects presented tonight, and all of you should be proud for creating them! We had a great time going through all of them, seeing where your creativity took you, and also noticed that there was a great variety of items used tonight. So, all in all, great job to everyone who participated and took on the challenge!

With that said, there can only be one winner. Our winner this week was selected based on who represented the criteria the best as a whole, and also which entry was memorable. Which entry gave us a lasting impression that made it stand out from the rest? That entry belongs to DominusDolorum, who is this week's winner. Congrats! Please contact our support team to claim your prize!

We would also like to extend some honorable mentions to these guys who put up some great entries of their own and made this a tough one to judge:

Sergey Koller

Thanks again to everyone for participating this week and conquering the challenge. We look forward to seeing you guys this Saturday for a new contest!


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
Thank you Casey and the rest of the team at Theory 11! This is truly a milestone for me, and I am happy that I was able to produce something that you felt was worthy of winning.

Thank you TylerScottIllusionist and mclintock for your support :)
0 Results