Saturday Night Contest - DG.LIVE - Symphony Questions

Oct 17, 2007
Aussie NSW
Why did you choose to continue the projects?

What kind of items are we expecting on 4,5,6?

Does symphony have good music? (Hence the name)

You use some old plots of magic on symphony what gave you the inspiration/ ideas to pump them up?

Dec 31, 2008
1) what trick are you most proud of

2) when did you first start creating tricks

3) why do YOU like magic, what makes it different than anything else?

4) do you like cheese?
Mar 15, 2009
What was the first effect that you learned, and do you still use it?

Are you happy with the current state of the magic community? Why or why not?
Dec 31, 2008
5) where/when does creativity hit you the most. (the bathroom, playing with cards, coins, ect.)

6) which do you usually invent a trick by:

A) accident

B) think of something you want to do (put a cellphone in a balloon) and then find a way to do it

C) discover a knew slight/secret that allows you to make a knew trick
Were the 5 tricks on Symphony developed together? Or were they created in different times?

Usually dvd's are created focused on one objective. But your dvd has everything from bills, cards, and straws. What made you decide to give the dvd such a diverse variety of the tricks? Instead of focusing on one main focus such as rope, coins, or cards?

How often do you create a trick, reguraly? Like once in a month?, once in 6 months?, etc.

You've told us you're creative process before, but my question is when you've done your creative process have you ever reached the point in creating a trick where you realize there isn't any way to acheive the effect?

Have you ever performed any of the 5 effects on Symphony to magicians? Of course, before the symphony project and in its makings.
Sep 7, 2008
How deep does your magic go? (psychologically)

Do you get nerves when you perform? How do you overcome them?

What to you think about "fancy magician props?" (colorful boxes and bags)

Any advice for kids/adults who want to publish their own magic?

What is the best way to start performing if you never have before?
Oct 18, 2008
Danny G

1. What atmosphere suits you best when creating a trick? (relaxed, fun, etc.)
2. What is your favorite experience from any performance you have ever done?
3. Which Dvd that you have created so far makes you the most proud of the finished product?
4. Which magician inspired you the most to do what you do?
5. If you could pursue anything else besides magic what would it be?
May 31, 2008
Do you enjoy working with David Blaine? (You're a consultant if I'm not mistaken)

What was the first effect you created?

Why did you start releasing effects to the magic community?

How long did it take you to develop your performance style?

Who was your biggest influence in magic?

What was the first magic trick you ever saw?

1. You are seen by many people as a magician like no other, my question is do you think that this new accomplishment is by far your greatest or do you feel you could have done something better?

2.Symphony has been hyped up by alot of people for some time now, did you just recently create these effects or have you been using these effects for some time now and decide that its time to take on a bigger challenge?
Oct 21, 2007
1. Being the creative magician that you are, i'm sure that you have a lot more material than what you have released already, how do you come about selecting which effects you will release?

2. What would you say your genre of magic is?

3. When did you start creating your own material?

(sorry for the caps lock, i can't get my computer to type with lower case letters, my caps lock is locked lol)
May 31, 2008
1. Being the creative magician that you are, i'm sure that you have a lot more material than what you have released already, how do you come about selecting which effects you will release?

2. What would you say your genre of magic is?

3. When did you start creating your own material?

(sorry for the caps lock, i can't get my computer to type with lower case letters, my caps lock is locked lol)

Theory11 automatically gets rid of caps lock.
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
What do you think is the thing that seperates you from other magicians?
What is your favorite effect on symphony?
I always ask this, but never get an answer. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
Jul 8, 2008
Hey Danny.

When creating an effect, what do you think comes first more often: The effect, or the method?

Not really a question, but, in the Torn Too demo, when you were talkign about people freaking out becasue they think you worship belsebubs, was it a lighting issue or editing that made your eyes look red at the perfect moment? You said it and then gave a weird stare and your eyes lit up red and I thoguht that was CCWAAAAAZY!
Apr 15, 2009
New Jersey
What got you started in magic?
How old were you when you first started doing magic/doing it for money?
Did you enjoy making Symphony?
What kinds of effects do you like the most?
Who was your favorite magician when you were younger?
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