Saturday Night Contest - {dg} We Need to Talk

Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
1. How long have you been working on pressure and what made you create it?
2. In your opinion, what has been your greatest success in magic?
3. Could you take a ninja in a nunchuck battle? but wait, these ninjas are invisible and like most ninjas, can fly. if not, what about pirates?

These are my final 3.
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Sep 3, 2007
Did you watch/ read Watchmen, what did you think if you did, and was the balloon face in anyway inspired by the Comedian's pin?
Aug 31, 2007
Los Angeles
I apologize if any of these have been asked by other members....I have not gone thru to read the thread.

1. What is your favorite trick that you have put out and why?

2. If you could have not released one effect that you have released, and keep it to yourself, which effect would that be?

3. Is there something you perform now, that you have created, that you intend to put out in the future? What is the decision process like on something you are on the fence about releasing?

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
1. Did your parents get pissed when you told them that you wanted to be a magician?
2. Did sankey take a pizzle at you for creating a something in balloon like his Airtight effect.
3. Who inspired your character? Not your tricks, but the way you present them. Who inspired and molded your persona for performing?
3 Questions for You and your brother Dave.

1. When you got into magic, did you believe that you'd be 'a big deal'?
2. How do you keep your enjoyment of the creative process (especially when it's magic, magic, magic) from getting stale?
3. Where will Danny Garcia see himself in about 10 years (BESIDES panhandling at a strip joint)?
May 2, 2008
What is the first thing you see when you wake up?

In pressure, can you pull the cell phone back out of the balloon after putting it in?

Why all the Ninja stuff? How did the joke start?
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