Saturday Night Contest - Dimitri Arleri Roundtable


Elite Member
Jan 20, 2013
So Dimitri,
When you are about to create a new flourish, do you get inspired by the other cardists out there i.e maybe your fellow cardists, your friends or the internet i.e youtube videos or other such videos or is it just that you take a concept, well known by you and add some changes to it or think of an entirely new concept i.e maybe when you are practicing cardistry and you randomly just come up with a new flourish ?

Once, created a new flourish and got the basic mechanisms down, how do you practice and perfect your flourish ? (By this I mean is how many hours do you practice a given flourish in a day, with what type of deck (new or old) and do you practice in front of the mirror or show it to an audience while practicing and perform it in front of an audience only after you have mastered the flourish ?)

Dimitri, do you name your flourishes by yourself, if yes then how do you come up with names such as Moulin Rogue or do you take advice from your fellow cardists in naming a flourish ? (you know just in case your names for a given flourish are too long, not catchy and unsuitable)
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I have one question. It deals directly with the apotheosis of the magi. That is to say the point in a magi's career where his or her magic takes on a deeper meaning and the desire to perform simple card tricks and parlor illusions pales in comparison to the desire to leave your audience with a work of art. A piece of your emotional or spiritual self if you will. At what point in time did you find yourself undergoing that metamorphosis and how did you handle the process of applying this new meaning to your magic? Did you find anything particularly challenging?
Oct 14, 2012
Hello! :) I hope, that you can translate my questions. Because I don't speak English.
Как отнеслись родными и близкие к такому виду увлечения? Просто, например, моя мама не всерьёз это восприняла и посчитала, что это глупость.
Хочешь ли ты создать свою собственную колоду карт, может, у тебя есть какие-то идеи на этот счёт?
И как тебе кардистри в СНГ (Россия, Украина, Беларусь и т.д..)? (Конечно, если ты его видел :D)
Aug 19, 2013
Hello Dimitri,
I would like to know your thoughts about card flourishing as part of magic. Do you think that card flourishing is part of magic, or it is a whole new concept of art that can thrive on its own without magic?

Were you first interested in card magic or started card flourishes without being interested in card magic?

What do you think is the thing in card flourishing that makes people want to grab a deck and learn it on your own, in other words, what drives people to get into cardistry?

with great respect and love,
Oct 11, 2010
- Do you see a distinction between "cardistry" and "flourishing", why/why not?

- When/if you perform flourishing for laypeople, do you do it in relation to magic or do you let it stand alone?

- If you could choose one person, living or dead, to have a one hour session with, who would it be?
May 6, 2013
Hello Dimitri.

-Do you also perform card manipulation?
-Do you see card manipulation as cardistry and magic (or just cardistry and/or just magic)?
-When you get a fresh idea, do you keep to yourself and perfect it or do you trust it to someone (maybe your best friend)?

Thank you.


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
1. is it true that you had a lonely friendless childhood, and got in to cards so that you can impress others and make friends?
2.I downloaded monument illegally from a forum, watched it all and realized that all the flourishes are too hard for me, so the question is did I committed a "magic crime" by downloading it illegally? in my defense I would never be doing anything from the dvd in my life...whats your take on this?
Here are my 3 questions (I tried to be a little more creative than just "your favorite deck")

- What's your biggest weakness when it comes to cardistry?

- What's the best way to get rid of creative pressure, when trying to come up with new card flourishes?

- How did you end up with the name MONUMENT? Does it just sound cool or is there any deeper meaning with it?
Dec 29, 2011
Did you start in magic, then move to cardistry, or did you start in cardistry?

What drives you practice cardistry?

How long have you been practicing cardistry?
Aug 8, 2013
Which is your favourite deck? The standard one?

How much time did you need for creating this DVD?

How do you create flourishes? Working hard or they just come to you?


Elite Member
Dec 3, 2012
1. Who is your favorite flourisher?
2. Who got you in card flourishing?
3. What is the hardest part about creating a new flourish?
Jul 12, 2013
Quand est ce qu'on te voit de nouveau en France Dimitri ?
Quelle est ta source d'inspiration pour creer de nouveau flourish ?
Tu peux me faire gagner le Saturday Night Contest ? :D
Jun 13, 2013
Do you prefer learning already created moves, creating own moves or creating variations of already made moves? What do you think about custom decks for cardistry? Is there difference between custom decks like wynns and decks like bikes for cardistry?
Apr 2, 2011
1- How do you keep consistant with the art (motivated)
2- What inspires you, from where do you come up with these flourishes
3- If you could give any advice to someone who is just starting to flourish, what would it be?
Jan 7, 2013
How do you come up with new flourishes ? Do you think about something and try it or do you play with cards "randomly" ?

What would you consider to be the most magical effect ?


Elite Member
Oct 12, 2012
1. What was the first move you really wanted to have in Monument?

2. Were all of the flourishes already created when you first started to talk about making Monument?

3. Who/What inspired you to upload your first cardistry/magic video on Youtube?
Oct 28, 2012
Being as proficient as you are at cardistry, how long does it take you to learn something that someone else has created?
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