Saturday Night Contest - Fact or Fiction (Dimitri)

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Nov 8, 2009
Hey guys,

I've been in Las Vegas this past week shooting my debut project entitled "Monument." Monument contains a series of cardistry techniques I've created over the past 5 years. I'm very excited to share them with you! For this week's Saturday Night Contest, I was invited to share 11 true or false facts about myself.

Some are true. Some are false. Your challenge tonight is to separate fact from fiction. Each fact is numbered and in your response you should list out whether you think each fact is TRUE or FALSE. Whoever is the FIRST to get all 11 answers correct, or whoever gets the most correct overall, will be the winner.

The winner of this contest will take home a signed deck of playing cards used on the set of Monument, shipped on the house by theory11. Deadline is 11:00pm EDT tonight. Good luck, everyone!

1. I know how to play the Ukulele.
2. I am a vegetarian.
3. I was a competitive swimmer.
4. I injured my wrist punching a glass window.
5. I've never been to the Eiffel Tower.
6. The first place I ate in Las Vegas was at In-And-Out Burger.
7. My favorite movie is Revolver.
8. I'm a break dancer.
9. One of my hobbies is to sing Opera music.
10. I was once attacked by a shark in Australia.
11. My first job was a hotel maid.

x Dimitri Arleri
theory11 artist


Love your work!
Apr 26, 2011
1. false
2. false
3. false
4. false
5. false
6. false
7. false
8. false
9. false
10. false
11. false


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
United States
1. I know how to play the Ukulele.
2. I am a vegetarian.
3. I was a competitive swimmer.
4. I injured my wrist punching a glass window.
5. I've never been to the Eiffel Tower.
6. The first place I ate in Las Vegas was at In-And-Out Burger.
7. My favorite movie is Revolver.
8. I'm a break dancer.
9. One of my hobbies is to sing Opera music.
10. I was once attacked by a shark in Australia.
11. My first job was a hotel maid.

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. False
11. True
Feb 12, 2012
1. True 2. FALSE 3. False 4. TALSE 5. False 6. FALSE 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. False 11. True


Elite Member
Dec 20, 2010
1. I know how to play the Ukulele. True
2. I am a vegetarian. False
3. I was a competitive swimmer. False
4. I injured my wrist punching a glass window. True
5. I've never been to the Eiffel Tower. False
6. The first place I ate in Las Vegas was at In-And-Out Burger. False
7. My favorite movie is Revolver. False
8. I'm a break dancer. False
9. One of my hobbies is to sing Opera music. True
10. I was once attacked by a shark in Australia. False
11. My first job was a hotel maid. True
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