Saturday Night Contest - Faking Zandman


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
How about another Fake Reveal contest.
Ask, and you shall receive.

Hope you're all having a great weekend! Our latest release, the Sherlock Book Test by Josh Zandman, is now getting in the hands of magicians and the reviews have been pouring in. Those who own it have been absolutely loving it and have already put it in their shows. It's not only one of the best book tests on the market, it is the absolute easiest. There’s nothing to memorize and the book is completely examinable. The Zandman Book Test gives you the freedom to perform a powerful mind reading miracle, anywhere at any time, without the need to memorize a single thing!

Tonight's contest is a fake exposure contest. That is, your challenge is to come up with the most RIDICULOUS, crazy, outside the box, laughable method for the Zandman Book Test. Then, film yourself teaching that ridiculous method to the world, and post the link in THIS forum thread. All videos must be under 5 minutes!

Upload your video entry to YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread on or before 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, August 5th. After time is up, our panel of judges will go through all submissions and decide on a winner based on overall creativity. What's up for grabs? 1,000 Elite Points, a deck of Gold Monarchs, and both the Sherlock and Gatsby Book Tests by Josh Zandman!

While this contest is lighthearted, the goal is to fill the web with FAKE exposure videos, making it more difficult for anyone to learn the real secret. Together, tonight, we can make a real difference in the fight against magic exposure. Go for it!
I dont do videos of myself doing magic but here are some ideas I have had about fake methods that anyone could use in their videos.

1. Shiner Finger - Mirror attached to the pad of the index finger you can glimpse the word in - Now it can be any word on the page !
2. Lip Balm Lettering - Each word on the left hand side has an associate smell - Know the smell - Know the word.

I prefer the second method - well in all honesty I could use them both to add to the deception of the Zandman BookTests !

Dr Rob
Jan 14, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
Wait, how realistic do the methods have to be? Like, do you actually have to come up with a method that would work in real life or could it be absolutely crazy and would never actually work in real life?
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