Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend! Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and that means there was all kinds of love in the air. This week's contest has to do with love, but not the kind of love you're thinking about. Let me further elaborate.
For this week's contest, we want you to share with us the moment that you fell in love with cards, puzzles, magic, or cardistry. What was it that you saw, learned, or experienced that got you hooked with either genre? Was it a trick/flourish that you saw performed? Was it putting together a puzzle with your family? Was it learning a new sleight or cardistry move that gave you the spark? Did you attend a convention or meet up with other magicians/cardists? Whatever the moment was, we want you to share it with us. What made you fall in love with these hobbies?
Post your responses in THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, February 16th. Once time is up, we will select TWO responses at random, each receiving 500 Elite Member Points and 3 Decks of Love Me Playing Cards, shipped on the house, anywhere in the world.
We are extremely excited to read your responses. We hope everyone had a happy Valentines Day!
For this week's contest, we want you to share with us the moment that you fell in love with cards, puzzles, magic, or cardistry. What was it that you saw, learned, or experienced that got you hooked with either genre? Was it a trick/flourish that you saw performed? Was it putting together a puzzle with your family? Was it learning a new sleight or cardistry move that gave you the spark? Did you attend a convention or meet up with other magicians/cardists? Whatever the moment was, we want you to share it with us. What made you fall in love with these hobbies?
Post your responses in THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, February 16th. Once time is up, we will select TWO responses at random, each receiving 500 Elite Member Points and 3 Decks of Love Me Playing Cards, shipped on the house, anywhere in the world.
We are extremely excited to read your responses. We hope everyone had a happy Valentines Day!