Saturday Night Contest - Fool Us!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hope everyone is having a good weekend! This week's contest is inspired by a day coming up on Monday - April Fool's Day! It's been a while since we've had a magic contest, so we felt this was the perfect opportunity to get back in the action.

The challenge is simple, direct, and with one goal in mind: fool us. The challenge this week to is to make a video demonstrating ANY magic effect you desire - but the goal, and the contest, is who can fool US - the judging panel - the most.

The rules: you have a little over 24 hours to make your video, demonstrating your effect. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok, and posted in response to this forum thread on or before 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, March 31st.

Specifics: your effect does NOT have to be practical. It could be something that only works once, when the stars are aligned and at the most narrow camera angle imaginable. But it does have to be REAL, with no video editing or anything of that sort. What the camera sees should be faithful to the human eye.

The winner this week will take home 1,000 Elite Member Points, Candyman by Tobias Dostal, and 3 Decks of Anything In Stock! The winner will be decided by our judging panel on which video, overall, leaves us the most speechless. The most deceptive, in our eyes and best judgment.

Go for it - get to it and this week, you just might fool us!


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
anyone planning to entering it, does this be the same for creating a trick routine? I have been playing around with a ace routine but naturally that would have the standard sleights, should I enter into this with that routine? I mean doing the sleights invisibly be counted as something fooling for magicians who would be the judges?


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2014
Here's my submission of a simple colour changing card trick of mine! There's no special flip cards and there's no editing involved :)

Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
Hey, guys!

Well this isn't really meant to fool you. I am not a performer, but a move monkey. Its a routine I have been practicing for a while and I wanted to share it with you. Some of the moves are very inspiring so..credits go to Danny Garcia and (I belive) Patrick Kun.

Have a great weekend,

ST. Alex

Elite Member
Dec 22, 2023
This is so funny, a few days ago i received this magic prop as a birthday gift. I used to laugh at those kind of props every time i saw them elsewhere in magic shops, thinking this is a trick made for kids until recently when i started playing with it. The potential of this prop wich seemed to me, untill not long ago, coming up from old books covered by dust simply blew my mind and I love to spend time playing and creating my own little routines with it, here is one of them, hope you enjoy it and lets see if it fools anyone:

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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I'm getting into rubber band magic and had this idea. I made two versions of this trick, I hope that's okay. If not, I guess just judge based on the first version because that is the way I would probably continue to perform this were I to add this to my rubber band repertoire.

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
This is so funny, a few days ago i received this magic prop as a birthday gift. I used to laugh at those kind of props every time i saw them elsewhere in magic shops, thinking this is a trick made for kids until recently when i started playing with it. The potential of this prop wich seemed to me, untill not long ago, coming up from old books covered by dust simply blew my mind and I love to spend time playing and creating my own little routines with it, here is one of them, hope you enjoy it and lets see if it fools anyone:

Congrats! We have chosen this effect as the winner! We felt that this was a great performance and variation of a classic that was very smooth, and flowed very well. Please reach out to our support team with your details so we can get your prize out to you ASAP!

Huge honorable mentions to Luis Vega and Nikolay for their submissions, we really enjoyed those effects! Lots of great magic this week, was really fun to come back to the magic side of things for a change. There may be a new trick coming soon.... keep your eyes peeled :)
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