Saturday Night Contest - Guess The Green!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys! Hope you all have had a great St. Patrick's Day!

The first person to correctly guess the winning card was Simonart, with his guess of the 6 of Spades! Congrats Simon! Please send me a PM with your theory11 account email and your address, and I will gladly get your prize shipped ASAP!

Thanks for participating guys! Can't wait to see you all back next week! :)
Nov 12, 2011
Hey, CaseyRudd, it's unfair!!! :) I am sure you kept your iPhone with you so my mental power was misrouted by its electromagnetic (marketing) waves. It’s the only possible explanation of my mistake. :confused: I claim my Monarchs! ... Sentinels? …You can leave them for yourself... Give me my Monarchs! :D ;)
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