Saturday Night Contest - Happy Thanksgiving!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey everyone, hope you all are having a great weekend! Coming up in the week ahead is Thanksgiving here in the United States, and I thought it would be a great idea this week to have a bit of reflection and recognize what we are thankful for.

There is no special challenge this week, we just want to hear what you are thankful for this year. Whether it be new friends you've made in the magic or cardistry community, an experience you had performing, or anything in your life you're thankful for, we want to hear it!

Post your response in reply to THIS forum thread by 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, November 24th. Once time is up we will select a response at random and that person will take home this week's prize of 1,000 Elite Points, a deck of Black NOCs, and 6 Decks of Purple Monarchs, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

What are you thankful for this year?

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I am thankful for having my family around me during the holiday season. I have been a part of this community Theory11 for almost 7 years now. I am certainly thankful for being a member in good standing, having this resource open to me is a tremendous plus. Also I am grateful for the fact that I have learned so much just by reading on the forums. I suffer from Schizophrenia, so I think I am doing a fantastic job managing my symptoms. All in all, I am thankful for everything that I have going on in my life and all the people that support me. Every time I sit down to deal my cards I am thankful of the fact that I have two hands that allow me to perform. I am taking out a gym membership come Monday so hopefully I can start getting my physical well being underway. Very thankful.

Good Luck Everyone!! And most of all be thankful of the things you do have.:)

I am a Magician

Elite Member
Nov 19, 2018
I am both grateful and thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for the endless opportunities and support that I get from everyone that is around me. I am thankful that I can spend every holiday with my family and friends and to share the endless memories with them. My dad always tells me,"In life, the things that we remember are not the big things, but it's the little things and experiences that we share with our family and friends."
This is why I do my best to do everything with other people, so I can relive the moments later in life and remember them and tell the stories on to generation to come.
I love my family and friends very much!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to everyone!!
Jul 1, 2014
I am thankful that my family and my friends are still here with me. Life has been difficult but I am still trying every day to achieve my goals. And recently, I have found my long lost passion for Cardistry and I'm hoping to be able to take it up seriously again. This means so much to me.
Good luck everyone :)


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2019
I am thankful that I have a roof over my head. I am thankful that I am happy and healthy. I am thankful that I live in a country that celebrates thanksgiving and gives me freedoms I might not experience elsewhere. I am thankful for my hand, that enable me to type this message. I am thankful for my loving family and my many friends. I am grateful for all of my amazing memories and experiences. I am thankful for Theory11 giving me something new each week to challenge and push myself in the hobby I enjoy(magic!). I am grateful for my education and my many teachers. I am grateful live in such a beautiful valley in an amazing planet. I am thankful for Sadie(I really hope she doesn't see this.. that would be embarrassing...) and the happiness she has made me feel. I am thankful for the help and support Sadie has given me in these contests.(yes, she's done that..) I am thankful for my car. I am thankful for my job. I am grateful that I know I am loved. I am thankful for my phone, that I can communicate with loved ones that live far away. I am thankful for my glasses, that I may not be blind. I am thankful for my pet cat and the comfort he has given me. I am thankful for my safety. I am thankful that I have had an excuse to think of how blessed I am(ty TXI). I am thankful.


Elite Member
Dec 7, 2013
I'm thankful for getting that gigantic brown recluse living in the curtains at the foot of my bed before he got me. I'm thankful for the U.S.P.C.C. and that I snagged 7 bricks of Cincinnati Bees this year for a song. I'm thankful to Ernest for saving Christmas. Last but not least, I'm thankful for Froot Loops! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
Very thankful this year for my family and friends past and present. I am excited for all who we will be connecting with this week, in person or otherwise. Very thankful my kids are enjoying hanging out with their older cousins and learning a bout their endeavors in college and the National Guard. Super thankful for my wife and all the work she puts into our family activites and her jobs....very proud and thankful for her!

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
I’m thankful for a lot of things in my life and on the magic side I have a few too,

First of all, I’m thankful that me getting into magic lead to the best friendship I’ve ever had with @mohamed__akil we share a long list of things in common, starting with the main passion of magic, we have never met in real life yet, but I know we will one day.

Also I’m thankful that I lived and got into magic in what I call “the best days for magic” the era from 2013 through 2015 in this time the magic community was active like crazy, tons of awesome great DVDs was released, the marketplace (the wire back then) was also super active and most of my friends was releasing stuff,
The first ever Christmas wheel, man those were such great days.

The last thing I wanna mention is, I’m thankful to the people friends and family whom were so supportive and because of them I performed my first show in front of over two 200 people.


Elite Member
Jan 20, 2013
I recently graduated from college. I am quite thankful to the friends that I made during the 3 years of my college life. I'm an introvert by nature so it was quite hard for me to make friends. And was also known as somewhat the quiet kid back in school. However, this all changed sorta thanks to the new friends that I made in my college years who Kind of adopted me and I could practice being gregarious with them. That has affected my personality in a way for the good and I doubt without them it may have not been possible. I really didn't expect that to happen. So I'm thankful for it. Hope to have a life long bond with these so called Friends I made.


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2017
This year I am grateful for my wife as we got married in the summer. It is her smile and the look on her face as she sees new trick that makes me practice and master new ones. I am thankful for this community. It is far the best online community that I am part of. You help me become better magician and that is amazing.
Oct 13, 2019
I am thankful for my family (my mom,my dad my brother and my 2 sisters and grandfather and grandmother)and friends and how they encourage me the patients they show for my magic
And for magic and cardistry and getting into magic and cardistry. I am thankful for my memorys .I am also thankful for my school and teachers and education. I am thankful for supporters. I am thankful for have a roof over my head. I am thankful for having a car and a garden. I am thankful for theory11 and U.S.P.C.C cards. My present and Christmas

Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
I feel blessed and greatful guys!
I feel blessed because I have a stable family, because I have good friends, because I have freedom, because I can just write one message in this forum and get connected with hundreds of poeple across the world that share my passion..

I am really thankfull.


Elite Member
May 18, 2017
I’m thankful for the opportunity I had to leave my job and start a new life in a foreign country, and I’m thankful for my future wife I’ll be married to very soon !
Sep 10, 2017
Well I’m really grateful for having such an amazing family that has given me everything they could, and supported me through my life. I owe them my success. I’m grateful to be studying medicine at one of the best universities in my country, when many people my age didn’t even get accepted at a university. And also, I’m grateful to have found such an amazing community of fellow like minded practitioners, and I’m really happy to be accepted as part of this sleight of hand community and also thankful for the friends I made along the way.
Feb 12, 2018
I'm grateful for having a family and people who support me throughout, having friends that have always been sticking by my side and supporting me. I'm happy to be a part of this amazing community where I have made a few good friends and who have helped me when I first joined! I'm thankful to theory11 too for making every Saturday even more fun and entertaining!!:):)
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