Saturday Night Contest - Holiday Magic 2014!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend thus far. With the launch of our 2014 Holiday Contest, we are getting into the spirit of the holidays each and every day. One of my favorite things about the holiday season is all of the decorations and festivities. What better way to get into the holiday spirit than doing some magic?

For this week's contest, we wanted to celebrate the holiday season. The challenge is to perform ANY magic effect using holiday-related items. Ornaments, Candles, Light Bulbs, Candy Canes, Ribbons, Christmas Trees, Tree Branches, Mistletoe, and anything of the sort.

It can be ANY type of magic effect, as long as it uses a Holiday-related item. You could perform a broken and restored candy cane, color changing Christmas tree lights, vanishing Christmas Tree, or maybe even levitating mistletoe! Your effect does NOT have to be totally new and original, but the more original and creative, the better. Try to put your own spin on it. Maybe you could adapt a holiday theme to an otherwise normal magic effect. Also, NO CARDS ALLOWED; no card tricks for this week's contest. We also want new videos submitted, so any old video will not be judged and will automatically be disqualified.

You have 24 HOURS to create, film, upload to YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram, and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST on Sunday, December 21st. Once time is up, our panel of judges will go through each submission and decide on a winner.

What can you take home this week? 1,000 Elite Points, and 6 Decks of Mystery Box: Black Edition Playing Cards! You also get 6 chances to spin the wheel in our Holiday Contest! Get into the holiday spirit, and see what you come up with! Really looking forward to seeing what you guys can bring to the table.
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Dec 19, 2014
Hello .. this is my contest entry … sorry for bad editing and bad english .. i live in a small city in Indonesia .. i not add the audio (my voice) because i don't have good quality microphone to record … and there’s no card shop here .. the best deck that I can buy from the best market here is the “camel” deck card .. around 0.15$ for 1 deck and it’s very bad for magic .. not smooth at all .. and very bad durability (my best so far is 1 week without bend or any damage ) and for buy online from ? the shipping fee is more expensive than the deck :/ .. atleast I try .. so .. please watch :D thank you :D
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Elite Member
Feb 16, 2013

I said heck Why not :)


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for results!

Let's get right into it. We enjoyed going through all of your entries, and there was definitely some fantastic magic. However, there can only be one winner, and after much deliberation, we have a result. With that said, we congratulate jibrizy on his submission! Congrats! Very creative use of an old principle, and the Christmas tree light effect was great as well. Please contact our support team with your details so we can mail your prize out ASAP!

We would also like to extend some honorable mentions to:

Luis Vega

Thanks again to everyone for entering. We thoroughly enjoyed the magic, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas this week and a Happy Holidays! See you guys later on this week for our last SNC of 2014! :)
Dec 19, 2014
Congrats to Jibrizy,Luis Vega and KinWyn
same as MrHurley ... is there any way I can get a critique of the video I did ?
I'm very new in magic... I'm join this forum at this month..
i just want to know where's my fault so i can improve my magic :D

thank you
0 Results