Does it pain anyone else that an intriguing thread has turned into a discussion of exploding anal tissue?
What if this has been the plan all along? Suppose Anonymous is just a wandering soul, trying to teach us the meanings of our own lives. He displayed himself and posed these questions for the sole purpose of leading us to this very debate! In the end, we will all learn a lesson. That lesson is to..
*spontaneously dies*
Does it pain anyone else that an intriguing thread has turned into a discussion of exploding anal tissue?
OMG! Did your @$$ Explode too!? It's gonna start killing everyone!
i'm more scared about the 'exploding-@$$ apocalypse' than Anonymous now
You shouldn't be..... look behind you!!!
that was my question but....Are you a soon-to-be t11 artist? Yes and No.
I'm confused now... You're either both a man and women or neither? It finally happened, you're an android.
Irony: Everyone was to busy discussing exploding butt cheeks that they missed the post that fulfilled the competition.
I must go laugh myself to sleep.
it means they could be a man or a woman. If you didn't understand