Saturday Night Contest - I Am Anonymous

Dec 30, 2008
What if this has been the plan all along? Suppose Anonymous is just a wandering soul, trying to teach us the meanings of our own lives. He displayed himself and posed these questions for the sole purpose of leading us to this very debate! In the end, we will all learn a lesson. That lesson is to..
*spontaneously dies*

I think he said, "vegetables." Did anyone else hear that?
Jan 24, 2009
Over the past few hours, you have asked many questions. I have chosen 20. I have answered 20. Many of your questions were not able to be answered with a simple Yes or No, so those questions were not included. They were discarded.

I will be posting a visual clue within the next 48 hours. Check the theory11 media section at 11:00pm EST on Monday night. See more. Learn more. In the meantime, cerca trova.

Do you only do card magic? No.
Were you not born in America? No.
Were you born in America? Yes.
Do you live in Houston? No.
Are you a soon-to-be t11 artist? Yes and No.
Do you think everyone should have their own style in magic? Yes.
Do you do card flourishing? Yes.
Do you were masks during a show? No.
Do you like other magician's style? Yes.
Are you a good speller? On.
Are you wearing a necklace right now? No.
Do you do balloon magic? Yes.
Are you male or female? Yes.
Have you been on TV? Yes.
Is magic a dying art? No.
Are you more well known for your magic than your flourishing? Yes.
Do you think a bad trick can turn into a good trick with good presentation? Yes.
Is presentation more important than method? Yes.
Do you work for someone famous? No.
Do you have at least 1 Jerry Nugget deck? Yes.

Irony: Everyone was to busy discussing exploding butt cheeks that they missed the post that fulfilled the competition.

I must go laugh myself to sleep.


Dude, why do you hate me? :D

it means they could be a man or a woman. If you didn't understand

What I mean is he just side stepped the question, atleast that's how it feels. I mean, what else could he be? lol
Thanks for answering my question (dying art)!

I think the most revealing was the one about being on TV. I think we know by now it's a magician, and probably more modern. I don't know if older generations of magicians flourished generally. It's not the masked magician because of the not wearing masks question. We also know that if it's this suspenseful, it's probably a relatively famous magician.

It wasn't the best saturday night contest to date, but it was still okay.
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