Saturday Night Contest - I Am Anonymous



has the magic community heard of you before?

has magic/flourishing/etc. changed your life?
Have you ever lost a pie eating Bet or cheese cake Bet?

this is one of my most serious questions and I mean it disregard every other post I made before this one.

Because I know which magician it is if this answers is yes.

Also you got sick for eating to much cheesecake.
Sep 1, 2007
Have you created original material that magicians have given HIGHLY positive feedback on?

Are you single?

Have you already been introduced as a Theory 11 artist?
Umm.... guys??? Yes or no questions??? :p
I was a little sceptical at first about this 'contest' seeing as 'anonymous' said he was an artist, yet it only said member under his name. But if CK's writing stuff he'd know if it was fake right??? Just ignore me I'm thinking with my fingers.
Here's some questions :D
1. Are you mainly a magician? (I ask because these flourishers are popping up all over the place.)
1. Do you have an effect on this site? If not will you be releasing one in the future??
1. Did you notice all my questions are question 1?
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