Saturday Night Contest - Memorial Day


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2013
Red: Jack of Clubs
White: Ten of Hearts
Blue:Two of Diamonds

Red: Four of Hearts
White: Queen of Spades
Blue: Ace of Clubs
Aug 4, 2014
Red: 2 of Clubs
White: 7 of Hearts
Blue: 10 of Diamonds

Red: Ace of Spades
White: Jack of Clubs
Blue: Queen of Hearts

Jarrod F.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Red- 8 of spades
White- 2 of diamonds
Blue- Jack of diamonds

Red- 3 of clubs
White- King of hearts
Blue- 9 of clubs
Apr 26, 2013
Red: 8 of Diamonds
White: 3 of Spades
Blue: 7 of Clubs

Red: Ace of Spades
White: 9 of Hearts
Blue: King of Clubs


Elite Member
Mar 6, 2014
Red: Ace of Hearts
White: king of clubs
Blue: 3 of clubs

Red: Seven of spades
White: 2of hearts
Blue: Jack of spades
Jun 13, 2013
Red: Ace of diamonds
White: king of clubs
Blue: ace of spades

Red: nine of clubs
White: 4 of diamonds
Blue: 10 of hearts


Elite Member
Aug 11, 2013
Red: 5 of Diamonds
White: 6 of Clubs
Blue: Jack of Hearts

Red: King of Spades
White: Queen of Diamonds
Blue: 3 of Clubs
Jan 16, 2015
Red: 3 of hearts
White: 4 of spades
Blue: 4 of diamonds

Red: 5 of clubs
White: 2 of hearts
Blue: 4 of spades


Elite Member
Jul 19, 2014
Red: 7 of Diamonds
White: Queen of Spades
Blue: 10 of Diamonds

Red: 3 of Hearts
White: 9 of Clubs
Blue: King of Diamonds
May 21, 2015
Red: 3 of Clubs
White: Ace of Hearts
Blue: Jack of Clubs

Red: 6 of Spades
White: Queen of Diamonds
Blue: 4 of Clubs
May 24, 2015
Hey guys! This weekend is very special for us as Monday is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering those who died while serving in the country's armed forces. These brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect our freedom every single day, and we will forever be grateful for their service. With that said, red, white, and blue is the theme tonight. But what are we going to do with those colors? Let's find out.

Down below is a picture of 3 face down cards - a Red, White, and Blue Monarch. The identity of these cards are unknown. Your job is to correctly guess the identity of each card, specific to their back design. You get 2 guesses, so make them count! All guesses should be posted in response to this forum thread no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, May 24th. The format of your answer should look like this:

Red: Ace of Hearts
White: 2 of Hearts
Blue: 3 of Hearts

Red: 4 of Hearts
White: 5 of Hearts
Blue: 6 of Hearts

That's it! The person who correctly guesses the identity of each card or comes the closest first will receive 1,000 Elite Member Points, and 3 Decks of rare White & Gold Monarchs, on the house! Good luck!

View attachment 2621
Hey guys! This weekend is very special for us as Monday is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering those who died while serving in the country's armed forces. These brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect our freedom every single day, and we will forever be grateful for their service. With that said, red, white, and blue is the theme tonight. But what are we going to do with those colors? Let's find out.

Down below is a picture of 3 face down cards - a Red, White, and Blue Monarch. The identity of these cards are unknown. Your job is to correctly guess the identity of each card, specific to their back design. You get 2 guesses, so make them count! All guesses should be posted in response to this forum thread no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, May 24th. The format of your answer should look like this:

Red: Ace of Hearts
White: 2 of Hearts
Blue: 3 of Hearts

Red: 4 of Hearts
White: 5 of Hearts
Blue: 6 of Hearts

That's it! The person who correctly guesses the identity of each card or comes the closest first will receive 1,000 Elite Member Points, and 3 Decks of rare White & Gold Monarchs, on the house! Good luck!

View attachment 2621[/QUOTEMy guesses
Red:ace of spades
White:10 of hearts
Blue:King of clubs

Red:king of hearts
White:5 of diamonds
Blue:7 of spades
Dec 17, 2013
Red: Jack Of Hearts
White: Queen of Hearts
Blue: King of Hearts

Red: Jack of Spades
White: Queen of Spades
Blue: King of Spades


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2014
Red: 6 of Clubs
White: Queen of Hearts
Blue: 7 of Clubs

Red: 9 of Spades
White: 10 of Spades
Blue: Jack of Diamonds
Sep 2, 2013
Red: Queen of Hearts
White: Ace of Diamonds
Blue: Seven of Spades

Red: Queen of Spades
White: Ten of Clubs
Blue: Two of clubs
Aug 2, 2014
Red: 5 of Spades
White: 2 of Spades
Blue: 6 of Hearts

Red: 4 of Hearts
White: Queen of Clubs
Blue: 10 of Diamonds


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for results!

No one got the exact answer, but we did have one person who got the closest with 2 correct cards, and that person is Jatayo! Congrats! Please send an email to our support team and they will hook you up with your prize!

The correct cards are as follows:

Red: 7 of Spades
White: 10 of Spades
Blue: 5 of Diamonds

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and we will see you this Saturday for a new contest!
0 Results