Saturday Night Contest - On The Wire


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope you all are having a great start to your weekend. Last week in our News Section, we posted our list of the Top 10 Wire Releases of 2014. In this week's episode of Expose, we asked you guys to list your personal favorite Wire release of 2014. For our Saturday Night Contest, however, we want you to SHOW us your favorite 2014 release.

Your job is to perform your favorite Wire release from 2014. It could be cardistry or magic, whichever you choose. You could perform it in front of the camera or in front of an audience; we are looking for an overall great performance and the performance that has the best overall impact. Make sure your performance is polished - we don't want to see any flashes! As always, you can get creative with your entry to make it more original if you choose, but it is certainly not required.

All performance videos must be made specifically for this contest; no old videos allowed! Upload your performance to either YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram, and post the link in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, January 11th. You have 24 HOURS to participate this week! After time is up we will go through all submissions and decide on a winner based on overall performance and overall impact.

What can you win? 1,000 Elite Member Points, and 3 Black Mystery Box Decks, shipped on the house anywhere in the world! We look forward to seeing what your favorite 2014 Wire Release was; good luck to everyone!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, we have the results!

Let's get right to it. We think the video with the best overall performance goes to ConorThornberry75, as his performance of Michael O'Brien's Tour de Force was clean, polished, and to the point. Congrats Conor! Please send an email to our support team with details to claim your prize.

Thanks to everyone for entering this week. It was cool to see what your favorite 2014 Wire releases were! See you guys back this Saturday for a new contest. :)
0 Results