I'm not German or live in Germany, but I appreciate everything this country does from supporting refugees to welcoming foreign student in universities, so I thought maybe it's nice to make their flag.
Well, for any card junkie in America, Bikes are the go-to expendable deck. They're everywhere, and Costco sold them for less than $12 for an entire brick last Winter. Good Stuff.
I would only touch my fancy cards if there are no alternatives.
Well, for any card junkie in America, Bikes are the go-to expendable deck. They're everywhere, and Costco sold them for less than $12 for an entire brick last Winter. Good Stuff.
I would only touch my fancy cards if there are no alternatives.
A lot of great entries so far! Keep up the great work, guys!! Here's my german flag, made out of black fountains, fultons Chinatown and Bruce Lee cards! Hope you like it, took a lot of work to make them look like they were waving in the wind https://www.instagram.com/p/-9zoeJNAVz/?taken-by=yoloswag_cards